Recently WhatsApp made some improvements which included the extension of WhatsApp group members to 256 and now Telegram which is in direct competition with WhatsApp for supremacy have responded by extending their own group members to a whopping 5,000 from the initial 1,000 limits before now. Although WhatsApp is undoubtedly more popular than Telegram but Telegram seems to have more advanced features and capabilities. For example, before WhatsApp enabled sharing of documents, Telegram has been dancing with the same future for years. READ ALSO 8 Reasons Why Telegram Is Better Than WhatsApp Another notable drawback and limitation of WhatsApp over Telegram is the inability of its users to send apk files(Android apps) and .exe files(PC softwares). But in Telegram you can send virtually anything on the card. Both devices are free and runs with no ads. They are supported on many devices though WhatsApp will stop working on some devices very soon according to the owners. You can click here to see if your phone is among the devices that will no longer have support for WhatsApp application. The question now is when will WhatsApp allow group members to exceed the current limit of 256? When will users be able to send applications like it is done on Telegram? Are you using Telegram right now? What is your experience with it?