Download Garganey birdguides >> Read Online Garganey birdguides >> 2017 BirdGuides, Warners Group Publications Plc. All Rights Reserved. Company Registered in England no. 2572212 | VAT registration No. GB 638 3492 15. Garganey (Anas querquedula) Gadwall (Anas strepera) · Gannet (Morus bassanus) · Garden Warbler (Sylvia borin) · Garganey (Anas .. Map at birdguides. 21 Apr 2017 BirdGuides · @BirdGuides. first for bird news. UK. . Martyn Jones' terrific Garganey shot from Greater Manchester featured The garganey is a scarce and very secretive breeding duck in the UK. It is smaller than a mallard and slightly bigger than a teal. The male is most easily Visit our new-look Galleries to view and search images of thousands of bird species, and join our worldwide community of bird photographers. Garganey - how to find it, identify it and photograph it in North West England and This is one that you are best checking for sightings on Birdguides or some 7 Sep 2017 Visit our new-look Galleries to view and search images of thousands of bird species, and join our worldwide community of bird photographers. Come and visit our brand new website that offers direct access to the latest UK and Ireland bird news and photos. En-us: Garganey Ca: Xarrasclet Da: Atlingand De: Knakente Es: Cerceta carretona Fi: heinatavi Fr: Sarcelle d'ete It: Marzaiola Nl: Zomertaling No: Knekkand Pt: BirdMap. Welcome to the BirdMap. Here, you can click on pins to show report details. If there are multiple sightings at the same location, click the pin and it will