In this amazing video watch How husband should love pregnant Wife. watch couple love. how to love wife, how to do love, Every man wants to know How to Be a Good Husband to Your Pregnant Wife, Expecting a child is one of the most exciting experiences of a married couple's life in this condition Take over some of her domestic responsibilities. Pregnant women frequently have to cope with morning sickness and exhaustion. Picking up a few of the chores is a simple thing to do, but it means a lot to a woman who has spent the whole day feeling nauseated and tired. More than anything else, it will show your wife that you're aware of her and you want to do what you can to help her. Offer to do more of the cooking and cleaning for her so she can get some rest. Take a parenting class together. Even if your wife is planning to be the primary caretaker, both of you are going to be parents. Learn how to change diapers, fix bottles, install a car seat properly Accompany your wife to her doctor appointments. Be aware of your wife's birth plan so you'll know how best to help her through her labor. Do not wait until you're at the hospital, with your wife on the verge of giving birth, woman and her part The best way to deal with these differences is to talk, to listen and to be open to each other's feelings and concerns. In addition, questions about sexual practices and their effect on the baby and the pregnancy should be discussed with a health care provider during prenatal visits. lot of pregnancy books to choose from. What to Expect When You’re Expecting is a classic and guides you through what your wife is experiencing during each step of her pregnancy. They have a section dedicated just to dads that has a lot of useful information. It also lays out the development of baby throughout his/her incubation. I thought it was kind of fun to check the book to see when Gus lost his vestigial tail or his eyes moved from the sides of his head to the front where they belong