Cheesecake should never be a source of anything except pure bliss. Not distress. Not frustration. Certainly never tears. Just dreamy, decadent, nonstop bliss. So let's break down this whole process into easy pieces. Let's talk about ingredients, water baths, dealing with surface cracks — the whole shebang. Here's a step-by-step recipe that will help you make a creamy, no-fail cheesecake that is everything you ever dreamed it could be. How To Make Cheesecake: Watch the Video The Best Kind of Cream Cheese to Use Let's talk for a minute about the cream cheese — a very important ingredient in cheesecake. Some people have brand loyalty to Philadelphia, and I won't deny that this cream cheese makes a particularly silky and lush cheesecake. I've also made cheesecakes with local brands and off brands and been perfectly happy. No matter what, buy full-fat cream cheese. Cheesecake is not the time to skimp. A Cheesecake Needs More than Cream Cheese But as delicious as cream cheese is, it needs some helpers to become a tasty cheesecake. Most recipes either use heavy cream or sour cream; either will do the job of softening the texture of the cheese and adding some moisture. Personally, I prefer sour cream because I like the extra hit of sour tang it adds to the cake. You also need a few eggs to hold the cake together. Three whole eggs do the trick quite nicely. I also add an extra yolk, which enhances the cake's velvety texture. (Whites tend to lighten the cake, which is actually fine — if you don't feel like separating that fourth egg and don't mind some extra airiness in the texture, just add in the whole egg.) (Image credit: Emma Christensen) Starch Adds Insurance A little bit of cornstarch or flour in the cheesecake batter is insurance against cracking and makes the cake easier to cut into clean slices, though it does change the texture of the cheesecake a bit. Starch makes the cheesecake more firm and sturdy, while a cheesecake that relies on eggs alone has a softer, super-creamy texture. I have tried both and love both. I feel like the texture difference is actually quite slight — it might be noticeable in a side-by-side comparison, but it would take a true cheesecake connoisseur to distinguish one on its own. Go whichever route makes you happiest. A Water Bath Makes Cheesecake Extra Creamy A water bath isn't strictly needed if you use starch in your recipe, and there are some methods for cooking even a starchless cheesecake on its own, but I still stand by this method. A water bath helps cook the cheeseake oh so gently while also creating a steamy environment so the surface doesn't get too dry. It's like a day spa for the cheesecake, and makes it supremely smooth and creamy. A water bath is also not that hard. Just set the cheesecake in a roasting pan or other large baking dish, fill it with a few inches of water, and put the whole contraption in the oven. Wrapping the cheesecake pan in foil also helps keep any water from seeping through the cracks of the pan. (Image credit: Emma Christensen) Preventing Cheesecake Cracks There are two main reasons why your cheesecake might form cracks: Overcooking and too-fast cooling. Both are entirely preventable. Cook your cheesecake until the outer ring of the cake is slightly puffed and fairly firm, but the inner circle still jiggles like barely set Jell-o. A few toasty golden spots are fine, but if you see any small cracks forming, immediately move on to the cooling step. When cooling, do it gradually. Let the cheesecake sit in the turned-off oven with the door cracked for about an hour, then remove it from the water bath and let it cool completely on the stovetop. When you remove it from the waterbath, also run a thin-bladed knife around the edge to make sure the cake isn't sticking to the pan, which can also cause cracks as the cake settles. Always (Always) Chill a Cheesecake A cheesecake is a make-ahead cake in the sense that you have to make it ahead. After all the careful baking and slow cooling, the cheesecake still needs to chill in the fridge and finish setting up for at least four hours or (ideally) overnight. If you cut into the cheesecake before chilling, it will have a firm custardy texture, like flan, and you will think that you've done something terribly wrong. But after chilling, it will have transformed into that velvety, creamy, lush cheesecake that we all know and love. It's like magic. (Image credit: Kitchn) 4 Things You Shouldn't Worry About There are a few moments in this process when you may think that all is lost. I want to set your mind at ease. Tiny bits of cream cheese in the batter: Sometimes you get some little specks of cream cheese in the batter that won't go away — either because your cream cheese was still a bit chilly or because of the cream cheese itself (cream cheese with fewer additives tends to incorporate less easily into the batter, surprisingly). You don't want large lumps, but these tiny speckles are fine. They will melt into the cheesecake as it bakes and won't affect the finished cake. A few cracks: Yes, sometimes you'll get cracks in your cheesecake. It happens — usually if you accidentally cooked the cheesecake a little too long or cooled it too quickly. But a few cracks don't mean you failed or that your cheesecake is ruined. Just cover it with topping and carry on. A little water in the pan: Oh, no! Did a little water work its way through the foil and leak into your pan? Don't worry about it. The outside edge of your crust will look a bit soggy at first, but it will set up in the fridge overnight with none the wiser. Promise. Wrong pan size: If you only have a 10-inch pan and you want to make a recipe for a 9-inch cheesecake, it's fine to use the pan you have. Changing the pan size when making cheesecake will affect the height of the cheesecake and its cooking time (thinner cheesecakes will cook a bit more quickly), but not its flavor or texture. Mastered the basic cheesecake? Try pumpkin cheesecake next! How To Make Pumpkin Cheesecake Go Forth to Cheesecake Bliss You are now armed with the knowledge you need to make the best cheesecake ever. Use the recipe below, or just apply these steps and techniques to your next cheesecake — either way, cheesecake bliss awaits. Tester's Note: