Leadership at Workplace Effective leadership is an important skill in the professional arena. A skilled leader is a strong communicator, motivator and problem solver. Building teams, motivating employees, assessing client needs and managing conflicts are some of the critical tasks of a leader. Here are some strategies for being a successful leader in the workplace. Our common and traditional approach to leadership hasn’t significantly evolved since the dawn of the industrial age. When it comes to managing people in a work environment, we’ve always treated workers like any other input: squeeze as much as much out of them as possible and pay them as little as possible. This idea was introduced nearly a century ago when the expansion of the US economy largely was based on industrial machinery. Workers were required to perform relatively unchallenging tasks and were easily replaceable. Companies motivated workers primarily with money, paying by the piece to reward those who produced the most widgets. Objectives: • To Conduct Self-assessment • To realize the Role Profile of Leader and Manager • To understand and conceptualize traits of Leadership • To have dummy practice of Leadership building • To understand different challenges of Leadership • To practice for relating different values of the organization with leadership competencies • Reinforce the Leadership Cycle Contents of Training: Session-1: Insight Thought of Corporate Leadership Discussion Points • Leader Vs Corporate Leader • General Competencies for Corporate Leadership • Self Assessment: Leadership Capacity • Building Capacity for being successful leader: Approach and way forward Session-2: Approaches of Corporate Leadership & its Competencies Discussion Points • Lead the People • Lead the Process • Lead the Performance • Lead the TEAM • Lead the Decision • Lead the situation • Lead the Leader • Competencies required for every Approaches of Corporate Leadership Session-3: See the Leader, Be the Leader • Realizing Leadership through Objective Structured Practical Exercise [OSPE] Discussion Points • Realize Leadership through scenario • Situation based Leadership Competencies and Challenges • Relationship of Organizational Values with Leadership Competencies Session-4: Choice the Shoe • Individual Exercise to define the Role Profile of Manager and Leader Discussion Points • Role of Leader Vs Manager • Choice the Shoe for the Profile • Understand the Challenges of ACT as Manager or Leader Session-5: Employing the power of engaging leadership • Reinforce learning and relate the appreciation word for every member Discussion Points • Engaging People: The Key to Unlocking Commitment • Building the Foundations for Engaging People • Knowing the Secrets of Engaging Leaders • Recognizing Your Existing Skills • Developing the Courage to Speak Your Mind • Sensing for Success • Being Brilliant at Building Commitment