This eBook is copyrighted(c) by Pthnmj/BitcoinZMAN You MAY use this eBook to your advantage, and may share this eBook for FREE and no monetary gain. If any person is caught selling this eBOOK that is listed as "Freeware", you will be committing a crime. Do NOT try and make money off of others where listed as "FREE". Copyrighted and Printed by Pthnmj / BitcoinZman Written by a Gambler for a Gambler Methods to winning! Disclaimer: I take no responsibility if you lose your bank, or win a fortune through this method. I DO NOT wish for you to give me money in exchange for helpful. I will however take donations to keep my ongoing faucet going :) 1AihKrPxdzsJ2mqpZxuHsfF7FaRyPfy5i5 Lets continue. 1. Tips and Tricks 2. Dos and Don'ts 3. Thanks for reading To ensure you take your time, and BitBin gets their worth in advertisements I have made it so you have to scroll and actually take a look at the content provided. If you are one of those people that want to earn and win, then you definitely will keep reading, otherwise these methods are NOT for you. 1. Tips and Tricks ======================= Tip #1. Never go all in on a martinfail (When you lose too many in a row and you are left to go all in to make your money back. You have 50/50 Chance on winning, or even less if you are playing at a lower chance of winning. Odd doesn't change) Tip #2. Never give up. People play and play and tend to fail. They end up quitting. Quitting is the same thing as losing. You quit so you don't lose anymore, but in essence you still have lost Tip #3. Never believe anybody has a SURE method of winning, as 9/10 it's gambler fallacy. Tip #4. Going along with Tip #3, there are still systems that have a low risk, but high payout. Such methods will be shown if you continue reading this On to the Tricks, now that you have understood all the tips, on to the Tricks(Strategies). #Tricks# Method 1 (The Triple Effect): This method entitles that you will be using the 3x Payout, but in a safer fashion. How many of us want to use the manual labor? None of us, so instead of explaining all of these tricks, I will be from now on just giving you the auto-bet settings. Over/Under (Your Choice, but Higher Works more for me) 3x Pay Out (33% Win Chance) On Loss: 67% Initial/Starting Bet: (Balance)*(0.67^13) Rolls: 100-300. Reasoning behind the math: Over/Under is obviously self-explanatory. 3x Payout, against self-explanatory. Initial bet formula I gave to you, is to ensure that your starting bet you can cover 13 losses from starting balance. Why did I choose 67%? I chose 67%, because we are using a higher payout, and you don't want to bet more than you need to to succeed. And you will earn more than what your original bet would make you. Where as if you chose 33% you would go longer, but would only break even when you won. Method 2 (Crazy 8s) *My Favorite*: Over/Under Payout: 1.16 On Loss: 700%(8x your original bet) Initial/Starting bet: (Balance)/37.5, 50, or 60... Each have their own risk factor, but I find that it's more successful to do with 50 or 60, but 37.5 puts more money in your pocket, with more risk of busting. Another formula is (Balance)/8^4 which entitles you to 4 losses, but a VERY MINIMUM Payout. Rolls: 50-100 Reasoning: 1.16x Payout is much easier to win each time, as you have an 85% chance of winning so that is 85 wins out of 100 of your rolls. On loss of 700% ensures that if you lose a small bet, and you multiply it by 700%, you won't bust but you will get a GREATER Payout... So reds in this case are VERY good to see :) Initial/Starting bet Formulas, are varying by each person, but they each are self-explanatory of the payout and the chance of going 2 -> 3 times in a row of losing which is uncommon, but happens. With a 2% Chance of getting (2) Losses and 0.2% chance of getting (3) Losses. 2. Do's and Don'ts of Gambling - Do NOT try and go all in, as the chance you will lose most definitely and have to start over from ZERO rather than building off your balance you would have had. - Do NOT try and bet more than your bargain, if you lose you will be very upset, unless you have the money to waste. - Do NOT gamble what you are afraid to lose. Gamble smart, and don't try and be a top dog, when you are a puppy (Don't be a WHALE if you're a Dolphin). - DO seek help if you are feeling like your life depends on gambling - DO take breaks and give yourself some relaxation in between gambling so you don't make the wrong choise - DO get some rest before gambling, so your thought process is strong - DO take the time to win, and try not to rush to win - DO tell your gambling friends about this post :D,,,, whatever else you use 3. Thanks for reading It is my great pleasure to have assisted you in either winning big or winning small. Maybe even going bankrupt, but I don't take pleasure to that. Gamblers are here for helping other gamblers, at least I feel information should be free :) Sharing is caring my friends.. As stated above, so you should DO some sharing of this method if it helped you at all! I will be posting more of these to help you guys out if I find anything If you made a lot, and want to ("Under your own free will"), send some of your earnings to 1AihKrPxdzsJ2mqpZxuHsfF7FaRyPfy5i5 This address is used for the Faucet that I have hosted at FAUCETBTC.TK ( Before going to the website, you may check the source by typing ( in your address bar before navigating over, to check for any malicious content. Stay safe, be strong, get a long! :D If you feel that you or somebody you know has a ("Gambling") addiction or problem, please check out 1-800-522-4700