Fantasy land name generator => Although we check for, and correct broken links once monthly, it is inevitable that you will encounter broken links throughout the site. Talk Back We'd love to hear from you! Or how about names used in classic literature, such as Oliver Twist or Huckleberry Finn? Image Credit: Castle with dragon adapted from a. Do you have an unusual birth mark? Most of them have cool selection features, such as name length, name type and so on. Generatorland is completely free and supported only through the advertising you see sprinkled throughout the site. Cliff Very steep or vertical slope bluff, crag, head, headland, nose, palisades, precipice, promontory, rim, rimrock. Falls Perpendicular or very steep fall of water in the course of a stream cascade, cataract, waterfall. Bench Area of relatively level land on the flank of an elevation such as a hill, ridge, or mountain where the slope of the land rises on one side and descends on the opposite side level. You will have to before you can post or view full size images in the forums. I like for generating names when I have a need to. Valley Linear depression in the Earth's surface that generally slopes from one end to the other barranca, canyon, chasm, cove, draw, glen, gorge, gulch, gulf, hollow, ravine. You can also use this generator for use in a fantasy game for example, you could use it as a Kingdom Hearts name generator. Thank you for choosing our fantasy world name generator! Stream Linear body of water flowing on the Earth's surface anabranch, awawa, bayou, branch, brook, creek, distributary, fork, kill, pup, rio, river, run, slough. If you start re-naming the entire animal reign, you will regret it later. Country Name Generator For Real And Fantasy Country Names! - Bench Area of relatively level land on the flank of an elevation such as a hill, ridge, or mountain where the slope of the land rises on one side and descends on the opposite side level. This one of a kind generator is super fun, easy to use and can be used for multiple purposes. Part 3 of the series Names The names you use in your story are sometimes those that people will long remember, even if the plot of your story becomes fuzzy in their head after years. Who will ever forget names like Harry Potter, Winterfell, Middle-earth, or Eragon. Or how about names used in classic literature, such as Oliver Twist or Huckleberry Finn. A good name sticks with you and a good name gives a certain feel to a person or a place. If I tell you about two towns, one called Evildome and one called Faeglade, you will immediately make some assumptions. The point is that the names should be loaded with fantasy land name generator substance other than being a combination of letters that no one else had thought of before. So, what can we name in a story. You must keep track of all that you name and be sure that names are not similar, not only in writing but also in speech. Think: Westchester, Eastchester, Manchester, or Hiburgh, Loburgh and Middleburgh. When it looks like the similarity between the names is done on purpose, and actually serves a purpose, it is okay. The next thing to keep in mind is the type of place you are talking about. For fantasy, you will probably look into religious and spiritual items and objects and try to convert those into names. Also for fantasy, looking into history will provide good inspiration. Naming Characters When it comes to naming characters, the same rules apply, but the first rule should be taken more seriously: make sure that none of your main characters and even those less important, do not have names that start with the same letter or are otherwise similar. This will confuse the reader, especially in a complex world. I know it sounds silly— after every person goes through all stages of life, so the name should apply to all ages. But, still, we associate certain names with old and others with young. Which ones of these feel young and which ones feel old. The next thing is trying to give names a meaning. A scientist named Atom or a knight named Arrow will ring comical. Try to be a bit more subtle. The other side of the coin is also valid: avoid names that are already too loaded with meaning and will detract from your story by forcing people to make assumptions. Think about Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker. Naming of Flora and Fauna I cannot think of a lot of good reasons why you would name plants and animals differently, except when you invent brand new ones. There will be a chapter on Fauna and Flora, fantasy land name generator when it comes to naming them: keep it simple unless it is an important part of the story. If you start re-naming the entire animal reign, you will regret it later. Every time you name something, you have to explain it. If there are too many of these, the story will start to be a difficult read. Otherwise, the readers will sense that you are trying to hard to make your world different. A simple talking horse or a walking tree will be stronger than a talking klimpazoo or a walking dimpledary. Changing both the name and the feature might have less of an impact. Naming of Objects and Abstract Items This is where you should really let your imagination go wild. Sometimes the objects are integral to the story, for example Holcrux Harry PotterLightsaber Star Warsetc. Obviously, these names should be unique, unless you rely on concepts that have already been defined and work in your story as well. But even if you use an existing name, make sure you give it a fresh, new feel. Maybe the shape is different. Maybe the fantasy land name generator of using it is different. However, do steer away from concepts that are too much related to something very specific. Most of them have cool selection features, such as name length, name type and so on. Fantasy land name generator, as you can see, there are a lot of places to give you inspiration. Chances are if you discover a cool name somebody else probably had already used it. Therefore, what you should do is use the websites here for inspiration, but then add your own twist to it. Change a letter, reverse two letters, add something. When it comes to anything other than character and places names, the stage is wide open. A way to look for interesting names is to get your hands on a multilingual technical dictionary. If you are lucky you will find a comprehensive one, but normally you would find them specific for medicine, finance, etc. The way they work is they have the word in English followed by the translation in various other languages. Scout the words in other languages and look for interesting sounding words. Perhaps you can use the English to locate the proper concept, then look for the way the word is spelled in other languages and go from there. Of course, not all object and concept words must be completely made up. You are also free to use regular words, but combine them in an interesting manner. Think of these: Wheel of Time, Spear of Destiny, Dragonstone. How Do You Track It. Just like we discussed in the language section about a dictionary, in the name section you will have a glossary. Create headings for each letter of the alphabet and put all the names under each letter. If you want you could make this glossary manually, in Excel or any similar table-software. On each row type a name in the first column. In the second column give some description of that name. Now Word will automatically create your alphabetized glossary for you. By doing this you will be able to look at all the names under each letter and figure out if any of them are too close in look and sound. This word document can become the name idea pad for your world. You can brainstorm new concepts, name them, and track them here. Later on, when you want to use the object, you can look in this table. This becomes particularly valid if the first Frank is a very memorable character. If someone reads both stories it is not unexpected for them to assume that we are talking about the same Frank. Of course, the story itself might make that clear, but why add the additional reader confusion. On a general note, make sure you are always equipped with a notepad or other note-taking mechanism. As a writer, you should always have that anyway. Then, every time you stumble upon an interesting name, or an interesting word that has the potential of being a name, write it down. Keep an ongoing name database and try to organize it a bit. When you have some downtime do you ever??. It will be very useful later on when you are pressed for time. I make a point to generate three to five new names per week. Also, remember that once you locate a cool name, you can always use that name a,s a root and extrapolate other names. Usually you do that by altering the beginning or the ending, like: Harlin, Marlin, Karlin, Fantasy land name generator, Harlick, Marlick, and so on. The more names you have the better you will juggle your creativity when you are looking to use them in your world. This concludes the second chapter of this series. Hopefully once you are finished with your work you will be in the same spot where I am with my world.