What is E1 visa USA and its benefits? USA is working on maintaining good relationships with some countries and therefore they are under treaties with them. the basic motive is to give them good business and employment opportunities and therefore maintaining friendship terms with them therefore E1 visas are available for the nationals of these countries who are carrying out trading business and linked to the business somehow. Some of the countries covering by this visa include Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Chile, China, Estonia, Finland, France and Netherlands. There are various benefits enjoyed by the persons moving into USA region for the motive of trade through this visa type as he is able to visit USA states and different famous places. He is able to make trading business more successful as well as carrying out tourism perfectly as well. Person is able to enjoy the visit for longer term therefore carrying out recreational activities along this business can be enjoyed. A person is considered legal in the region therefore carrying out trade activities and looking for new business opportunities and commodities for trading is also easy and effective. What are the requirements and eligibility of E1 visa USA? There are some limitations which must be check, if you are interested in making a trip to USA for trading and business purpose: • You must be citizen of above mentioned countries or other countries coming under this trading treaty as visa is only available for these countries. If you are outside these countries look for other visa. • Your trading business must include trades from or to USA region, that is most of business activities includes USA region. • You must be linked to business directly and your designation must be important enough to show that you are moving to USA region for the betterment of trading business. • If you are share holder with half the shares of the trading company, still you are able to apply for the visa. How you can apply online for the visa? E1 visa application process is also added here for your help. You must download online form the process and fill it. if your company trades holds any value and your company is consider suitable for the visa, you will receive interview letter. If your company trades are good that is of good value, it increases chances of getting prominent among the other countries and getting the visa is easy. What documents are required for this visa? You require working passport that is one which is not expired. Photograph is required, generally for passport size. If additional requirements are for photograph, they are mentioned on the form. The interview letter and receipt for the paid fee is also required. What is the processing time and fee? Once your company is selected for the visa, you must receive interview letter within 2 months, however time varies depending on the number of companies already applied for the visa. The fee is mentioned on the form and it is usually affordable for the person.