This was originally created by R00TB33R who I must thank for creating it so I could add onto it in parts and keep it more up to date. ( If you have anything that should be added to or may need to be changed with this guide go a head and tell me because I'm pretty terrible at editing! You can reach me at or if you see me on 4chan on /g/ or /mu/ is where I am most of the time (Boxfish the Headphone Faggot !HEaDPhoNe.) Also, my email is which I check every once and a while. Holy shit, it's been a full year since I made this! Thanks everyone!! Last Update: 5/6/13 Recommended Resources: Concise Multi-IEM Comparison by ClieOS Glossary of Terms Describing Sound Glossary Headphone Buying Guide For Newbies Another Buying guide (official Head-fi article) Frequency Response of Headphones Gaming Headphone Guide Massive Portable Headphone Review by IjokerI 50 Flagship headphone comparison Grado Modding Threads (Standard Mod Discussion) (Magnum Driver Discussion) Useful people to talk to if interested in buying Grado mod parts (Beautiful but expensive cups, worth every penny IMO) (Sells great headbands as well as some nice cables & cups) Alternatively you can look at making some cups on your own with a lathe or you can sometimes find some ebay which are far cheaper and not as high in quality as what martin is producing but if you are only looking to upgrade some lower tier Grados for a fun project you may want to look there to find something to stain yourself. If you are looking to make you're own headphones from the ground up or you want to upgrade your preexisting Grados with some better drives then you should go to They have a sound signature very comparable to the PS1000i and it's only $120 CAD DACs and AMPLIFIERS Most commonly the Fiio E10 (~$80) is recommended as a DAC/Amp combo as well as the "O2/ODAC" which is really O2 with ODAC or as I've recently taken to calling it, "O2+ODAC." ($285 at or you can build your own for less with the parts they sell). With the recent release of Schiit's Magni/Modi amp and dac (commonly referred to as the "Schiit Stack") at $200 (99 for each). There's been a lot of good reviews on them so far and when it's been compaired to the the O2+ODAC many can't tell the difference between them. Because of the Modi/Magni's better price and construction they're beginning to look like a better choice. *Update* Here's a frequency response chart for the Magni and it's almost identical to the O2 The Modi/Magni is a really good combo for someone looking to save the extra $85 for the O2/ODAC The UHA-6S.MKII by Leckerton Audio looks like a really good portable amp for $280 and would be great for someone looking for a more portable amp for their laptop or something similar. Headphone Labeling: (B) - Bassy / Dark (A) - Analytical / Bright (V) - "V" Signature (Recessed mids) (N) - Neutral ( ) - Work in progress; to be determined (?) - Announced headphones. Properties are speculation [_) - Open design (_) - Closed design (_)} - Needs amplification (_)| - Good for gaming (_): - Active noise cancellation or excellent passive isolation +(_) - Exceptional value in category at price point (_)# - May be difficult to obtain (Limited Production, Discontinued etc.) (_)) - Beware of fakes =(_) - Good for production/monitoring/professional use ~(_) - Form over Function; questionable value <(_) - Exceptional comfort >(_) - Possible discomfort, research before purchase W(_) - Wireless (Bluetooth, KLEER, receiver, etc.) You can quickly browse through the list by pasting in the desired label in a page search (ctrl + f) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Over-ear: $10 - $20 - (A) Sennheiser HD 201 >(B) Monoprice 8323 $30 - (B) Panasonic HTF600 (N) JVC HARX700 $40 - >[N) Superlux HD-681 $50 - (N)} Sennheiser HD448 <(B)# Sony MDR-XB500 [N)| Samson SR850 <(A)# Superlux HD660 +=(N) Koss DJ100 +=[N) Superlux HD668B $60 - (N) Shure SRH240 $70 - (B) Creative Aurvana Live (N) JVC HARX900 =+(N) Sony MDR-V6 $80 - =(N)}# Fostex T50RP <(B)# Sony MDR-XB700 (B): Philips Citiscape Downtown =(N) KRK KNS6400 $90 - >=(N): Shure SRH440 $100 - (B) Shure SRH 550DJ >[A) Alessandro MS1 [A)} AKG K240 MKII (B) V-Moda LP $110 - (A)| Audio Techncia ATH-AD700 [B) Fischer FA-011 $120 - (N)| Audio Technica ATH-A700 (N) Audio Technica ATH-WS70 (V) Ultrasone HFI-580 $130 - =(N) AKG K272 $140 - ~(N) Skullcandy Aviator +=(N) Brainwavz HM5 $150 - =>(B) Audio Technica ATH-M50 (V) Ultrasone HFI-780 =(N) Ultrasone DJ1 Pro >[A) Grado SR125i (B) Shure SRH750DJ (B) M-Audio Q40 =(N) Ultrasone HFI-680 ( ) Philips Citiscape Uptown (N) Audio Technica A900X [A)} Audio Technica AD900X $160 - (N) Fischer Audio FA-003 $170 - =(N) Shure SRH840 <=(V) Beyerdynamic DT770 Pro 80 ohm (B) Audio Techncica ATH-Pro700MK2 $180 - <(V) Beyerdynamic Custom One $190 - [V) Ultrasone HFI-2400 $200 - (N)} Denon AH-D1100 <[B) Sony MDR-MA900 >[A) Grado SR225i (N) Soundmagic HP100 (B) V-Moda LP2 (N): Logitech UE6000 $210 - $220 - (V) Ultrasone Pro 750 $230 - <=[V) Beyerdynamic DT880 Pro 250 ohm <(?) Fischer Audio FA-003Ti <(?)# Fischer Audio FA-003Ti-W (limited edition woodcup version; Price TBA) $240 - <=[V)}| Beyerdynamic DT880 600 ohm $250 - >=[A)}| AKG K701/Q701/K702 [N) Hifiman He-300 ~(B) Phiaton PS 500 =[N)}| Sennheiser HD598 (V)) Pioneer HDJ2000 $260 - $270 - $280 - =<[V)}| Beyerdynamic DT990 600 ohm $290 - $300 - >[A) Grado SR325i =(N) Shure SRH940 (V): V-Moda Crossfade M-100 [A) Alessandro MS2 <[V) Philips Fidelio X1 <(B)}# Sony MDR-XB1000 (B) Sony MDR-1R =(N): AKG K550 <[N) Philips Fidelio L1 ~(B): Bose QC15 (Only for ANC, Wouldn't suggest otherwise) W(N): Logitech UE9000 $310 - $320 - =[N)} Sennheiser HD 600 $330 - (V)} Ultrasone Pro 900 (N) AKG K551 $340 - =(N)} Denon AH-D2000 $350 - =[N)} Sennheiser HD 650 [N)}D Sony SA5000 (N) Beyerdynamic DT48 $360 - $370 - $380 - $390 - [ ) Audio Technica ATH-AD1000 $400 - (N) Sony Z1000 [N) Hifiman HE-400 <(A)} Beyerdynamic T70 =[N) Shure SRH1440 $410 - $420 - [N)} Stax SR-207 $430 - $440 - $450 - [N)} Hifiman HE-4 $460 - [N)} Stax SR-307 $470 - $480 - (V)} Ultrasone Pro 900 $490 - $500 - +(N)}# Thunderpants by Smeggy >(A)} Grado RS2i $510 - $520 - $530 - =(N)} Denon AH-D5000 $540 - $550 - [V)} Ultrasone Pro 2900 $560 - $570 - $580 - =[N)} Stax SR-407 $590 - $600 - >[N)} Grado PS500 =[N)} Audio Technica ATH-W1000X W[N) Senneheiser RS220 $610 - $620 - $630 - $640 - $650 - $660 - $670 - $680 - $690 - $700 - >[N)} Grado RS1i [N)} Hifiman He-500 [N)} Hifiman HE-5LE [N)} Alessandro MS Pro =[N)} Shure SRH1840 =(N)} Denon AH-D7000 =[N)} Koss ESP-950 $710 - $720 - $730 - $740 - $750 - $760 - $770 - $780 - $790 - $800 - >=[N)}# Stax: SR-Sigma $810 - $820 - $830 - =[N)} Audio Technica ATH-W5000 $840 - $850 - $860 - $870 - $880 - $890 - $900 - $910 - $920 - $930 - $940 - $950 - $960 - $970 - $980 - $990 - $1000 - =[B)} Audeze LCD-2 =[N)} Hifiman HE-6 >=[A)} Grado GS1000i =[N)} Sennheiser HD700 $1,100- =[N)} Stax SR-507 =(N)} JVC Victor DX1000 >=[N)}# AKG K1000 $1,300- <=[N)} Beyerdynamic Tesla T1 =(N) Ultrasone Signuture Pro <(B) FOSTEX: TH600 $1,469- ~(N) Ultrasone Edition 8 $1,500- =[N)} Sennheiser HD800 $1,550- =[N)} Audio Technica ATH-W3000ANV $1,700- =[N)} Grado PS1000 $1,950- =[N)} Audeze LCD-3 =[N)}# Grado HP1000 <(B) FOSTEX: TH900 $2,650- =[N)} Stax SR-007MKII $2,750- ~(V)} Ultrasone Edition 10 $5,250- =[N)} Stax SR-009 $7,000 =[N)}# Sennheiser HE90 (Orpheus) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On-Ear $10 - +[N)| Koss KSC75 (B) JVC Flats $20 - $30 - +[N))| Koss Portapro - [B) JVC HAS650 $40 - (B) Senn PX 100-II $50 - [N) Yuin G2A (B) Philips Citiscape Metro $60 - >(B) AKG K518 $70 - $80 - >+[A) Grado SR60i ~(A) Phiaton PS320 W(N) Meelectronics AF-32 $90 - $100 - >(B) AKG K181DJ >[A) Grado SR80i [N) Audio Technica ES7 $110 - $120 - $130 - [A) ATH-EW9 =>(N): Sennheiser HD 25-1 II Refurb (Dakmart) $140 - $150 - [N) Yuin G1A =>(N): Sennheiser HD 25-1 II Adidas Refurb (Dakmart) $160 - (B) Aiaiai TMA-1 $170 - (V) V-Moda M80 $180 - =>(N): Senn HD 25-1 II $190 - $200 - W(B) Sennheiser MM-400 $210 - =>(N): Sennheiser HD 25-1 II Adidas (A): Beyerdynamic T50p $220 - (A) ATH-ESW9A $230 - ~(B) Phaiton MS 400 $240 - $250 - (N) Audio Technica ESW9 $260 - $270 - $280 - $290 - $300 - (V) Beyerdynamic DT 1350 ~(N) B&W P5 $310 - $320 - $330 - $340 - $350 - +(N): Sennheiser Amperior $360 - $370 - $380 - $390 - $400 - (B) Audio Technica ES10 $410 - $420 - $430 - $440 - $450 - $460 - $470 - $480 - $490 - $500 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In-Ear: $10 - (B) Monoprice 8320 (B) Philips 3580 (B) Meelectronics M6 (N) Earsquake SHA (N) Xeport 3010 (B) Brainwavz Alpha $20 - (N) Meelectronics CX21 (N) JVC FXC51 (B) Soundmagic PL21 $30 - (B) Meelectronics M31 (B) JVC HA-FX1X (N) Soundmagic PL30 (B) a-Jays One [ ) Blox E2C (B) Xeport 5010 $40 - (B) Sony XB41EX (B) Meelectronics CC51 (B) Soundmagic E10 [ ) Yuin PK3 ( ) Dunu DN-12 ( ) Brainwavz M1 $50 - (B)# Xears N3i (B)# Monster Turbine Refurb (B) TDK EB900 (N)# Xears XE200RO (N) Meelectronics A151 <+(N) Vsonic GR06 ( ) Dunu DN-11 (B) a-Jays Two (B) a-Jays Four $60 - (N) Brainwavz M2 (N) Vsonic RO4Pro (N) Soundmagic PL50 ( ) Yuin OK3 (V) AudioFly AF45 (B) a-Jays Three (A): Etymotic MC5 (B) Fischer Audio Silver Bullet $70 - (B) Fischer Audio Eterna (V) Fischer Audio Consonance (B) Beyerdynamic DTX 71 IE (B) Nuforce NE-700X $80 - (A) Hifiman RE0 (B) Hippo VB [ ) Yuin PK3 ( ) Shure SE115 (B) Phitaon PS-20 ( ) Spider "Realvoice" ( ) Audio-Technica ATH-CK7 ( ) Brainwavz M4 ( ) Dunu DN-13 (V) Ecci PR401 $90 - (A) Grado iGi (N) Brainwavz M3 (N) t-Jays Two (B) Beyerdynamic DTX 101 IE $100 - (B): Shure SE215 (B) Phiaton PS-210 (A): Etymotic HF5 <(N) Westone 1 (N) HiSoundAudio Crystal $110 - (B) Sony MDR-EX510 $120 - (N): Etymotic HF2 $130 - ( ) Yuin OK2 ( ) Clarityone C1 (N) Fischer Audio SBA-03 ( ) Fischer Audio Tandem $140 - +(B) Klipsch Image X10 (A): Etymotic HF3 +(B) JVC HA-FXT90 $150 - +(N) Hifiman HE262 (N) Creative Aurvana 3 (N) Audio Technica CKM99 $160 - [A) Yuin PK1 <(B): Shure SE315 $170 - (N) UE TripleFi 10 (B) Monster Turbine Pro Gold <(N) Vsonic GR07 (B) Future Sonics Atrios ( ) Audeo Phonak PFE112 $180 - (A) Fischer Audio DBA-02 (B) Radius W Pro DDM $190 - $200 - (B)# Sony MDR-EX600 [B) Sennheiser MX980 $210 - $220 - $230 - <(N) Westone 2 (N) ACS T15 ( ) Yuin OK1 $240 - $250 - +(N) Hifiman RE272 (A): Etymotic ER4 (B) Sennheiser IE7 ( ) Radius HP-TWF21 $260 - $270 - $280 - $290 - (N)# Audio Technica CK10 $300 - <(B) Westone 3 (N): Shure SE425 ( ) Ortofon EQ5 (N) Grado GR8 ( ) Monster Miles Davis Trumpet $310 - $320 - $330 - ( ) Ortofon EQ7 $340 - $350 - $360 - $370 - (B) JVC FX700 $380 - $390 - $400 - (B)) Monster Turbine Pro Coppers (A)# J-Phonic K2 SP (B)) Sennheiser IE8 (N) Shure SE535 (A)# Sony EX1000 ( ) Grado GR10 (B) Monster Miles Davis Tribute <(N) Westone 4 $410 - $420 - $430 - $440 - $450 - $460 - $470 - $480 - $490 - $500 - <(N) Westone 4R (same as R but with detachable cables) $1000 - ( ) Shure SE846 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Custom IEMs (In-ear monitors): $1,000 >=(N): Ultimate Ears Custom In-Ear Reference Monitors (replaced the UE10 Pro) $1,100 - >=(V): JH AUDIO: JH13 >=(N):D ULTIMATE EARS: UE10 Pro If you're spending that much money you should know what you're looking for --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------