I've been a ghost on this forum for a while but have just signed up for an account. After severely pissing off the first person I came into contact with here today (https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=93252.40) I thought I'd try and contribute something to this forum by researching pirate aka Trendon Shavers aka Don Shrents who's probably in Nigeria by now having swashbuckling adventures on the high seas with all your money ahaaaaa! To do this I've cross referenced what we know about Trendon Shavers with the internet and I'll take you through the results step by step: Firstly what do we know about him: -He lives in Dallas Texas (source https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=47173.msg563605#msg563605) -His name or alias is Trendon Shavers -He's got involvement with gpumax and some other ponzi scheme (sorry I didn't bother to research the name) OK so if you do a google search for Trendon Shavers Dallas, you get several links to a company called Business Cognition. We know this is his business for several reasons 1) Their Website went down the same time he defaulted whatever you know what I mean (the last cached copy of www.buscog.com is dated the 14th of August) http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:http://www.buscog.com/&hl=en&prmd=imvns&strip=0 The who is data for www.buscog.com shows the following http://www.networksolutions.com/whois-search/buscog.com Shrents, Don support@buscog.com Business Cognition 5100 Eldoardo Pkwy Mckinney, Texas 75070 United States +1.5738736366 Don Shrents is an annogram of Trendon Shs (the missing letters aver are an annogram of Vear (Vear is a village in Vestfold, Norway, located in the municipalities of Stokke and Tønsberg. Of its population (2005) of 3,520, 1,256 reside in Tønsberg and 2,264 in Stokke)) GPUMAX is also registered to Don Shrents http://whois.domaintools.com/gpumax.com Summary of what Business Cognition does: At Business Cognition we understand how rising expenses can affect your bottom line. We use the power of our client base to provide you with the tools and services required to both optimize your expenses and maximize your profits. 5100 West Eldorado Parkway #102 McKinney, TX 75070 (888) 929-1117at Source: http://www.merchantcircle.com/business/Business.Cognition.LLC..888-929-1117 This suggests he uses a combination of pooled money and bullshit to fuck about with money in some way. BTW the cached version of google was blank grey if anyone wants to search using the other major search engines you might find a decent cached copy of his sight that's a bit more enlightening. Little more than a year ago a Dallas user by the name of Shrents was complaining about $1 a month being expensive for something and letturing a company on doing "Ethical Business" further reading: http://www.corporationwiki.com/Texas/McKinney/trendon-shavers/101281327.aspx http://www.linkedin.com/company/business-cognition Associates: Zach Nakaska http://www.linkedin.com/in/znakaska?trk=pub-pbmap http://twitter.com/nakaska Michael Thalasinos http://www.linkedin.com/pub/michael-thalasinos/54/a8/396 Summary, he's either used an allias with the people from this community or an allias with business customers, his main business which has been running for 4 years disappeared at the exact same time all your money did!! He hasn't paid any money back, he suffers from narcissism and he's only 30...... good luck! You may or may not be able to call him about this on the telephone number above or this one 9729844673 or this one 888-929-1117! source http://www.directorycentral.com/business/tx/mckinney/business-cognition-40132719.html and the link somewhere above!