Please use my Referal-Link Improved autoroll script for This scripts attempts captcha before using RP to roll while always maximizing RP bonus and claiming %1000 BTC bonus when available. This script works best on a pc or mac, but will also work on a smart phone. The chance of the script needing to use rp to roll without captcha is greater on a smartphone This is a script for Tampermonkey or Greasemonkey to automatically trigger the freeroll every hour on Installation: Install the "Tampermonkey" addon for your browser and copy the source code into a new script. install script : // ==UserScript== // @name **** Auto Roll + 100 Reward Points + 1000% Bonus BTC NO Captcha // @namespace // @version 1.9 // @description This script clicks the recaptcha checkbox, takes maximum bonuses, // @description If recaptcha checkbox has been checked it clicks the freeroll button, // @description if recaptcha checkbox has not been checked it click the play without // @description captcha button and rolls. // @author CryptoSoerin // @match http*://* // @match* // @grant none // @require // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; setTimeout(function() { document.getElementsByClassName("recaptcha-checkbox-checkmark")[0].click(); }, 1000); })(); setTimeout(function(){ $('.close-reveal-modal')[0].click(); }, 100); setTimeout (function() { 'use strict'; var domain = (window.location != window.parent.location) ? document.referrer.toString() : document.location.toString(); var body = $('body'); var points = {}; var count_min = 1; var reward = {}; var claimed = 0; var timeout = setTimeout("location.reload(true);",3630000); function resetTimeout() { clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = setTimeout("location.reload(true);",3630000); } = function() { reward.points = parseInt($('.user_reward_points').text().replace(',',"")); reward.bonustime = {}; if ($("#bonus_container_free_points").length != 0) { reward.bonustime.text = $('#bonus_span_free_points').text(); reward.bonustime.hour = parseInt(reward.bonustime.text.split(":")[0]); reward.bonustime.min = parseInt(reward.bonustime.text.split(":")[1]); reward.bonustime.sec = parseInt(reward.bonustime.text.split(":")[2]); reward.bonustime.current = reward.bonustime.hour * 3600 + reward.bonustime.min * 60 + reward.bonustime.sec; } else { reward.bonustime.current = 0; } console.log(reward.bonustime.current); if (reward.bonustime.current !== 0) { console.log(reward.bonustime.current); } else if (reward.points < 120) { console.log("waiting for 120 points"); } else { if (reward.points < 300) { RedeemRPProduct('free_points_10'); console.log("RP reward 10 claimed"); reward.claimed = 10; } else if (reward.points < 600) { console.log("RP reward 25 claimed"); RedeemRPProduct('free_points_25'); reward.claimed = 25; } else if (reward.points < 1200) { console.log("RP reward 50 claimed"); RedeemRPProduct('free_points_50'); reward.claimed = 50; } else { console.log("RP reward 100 claimed"); RedeemRPProduct ('free_points_100'); reward.claimed = 100; } if ($('#bonus_span_fp_bonus').length === 0) { if (reward.claimed >= 320) { if (reward.points < 3200) { RedeemRPProduct('fp_bonus_500'); console.log ("BTC bonus %500 claimed"); } else if (reward.points >= 3200) { RedeemRPProduct('fp_bonus_1000'); console.log ("BTC bonus %1000 claimed"); } else { RedeemRPProduct('fp_bonus_100'); console.log ("BTC bonus %100 claimed"); } } } } }; setTimeout (function () {body.prepend( $('
').attr('style',"position:fixed;top:50px;left:0;z-index:999;width:368px;background-color:black;color: white; text-align: center;") .append( $('
').attr('id','autofaucet') .append($('

').attr('style','text-decoration:underline;color: red').text("Auto Roll Script With 100 RP + 1000% Bonus")) .append($('

').attr('style','text-decoration:underline;color: red').text("And Captcha Workaround")) .append($('

').text("Script by")) .append($('

').text("Support by using my link:")) .append($('

').attr('style',"color: green").text("")) .append($('

').text("(Click to copy)")) .append($('

') ) ).click(function(){ var $temp = $('').val(""); body.append($temp); $; document.execCommand("copy"); $temp.remove(); }) ).prepend($('