More senior Republicans have withdrawn support for US presidential candidate Donald Trump after his obscene remarks about women became public. At least a dozen Republicans have said they will not be voting for him, since the comments emerged on Friday. Mr Trump says he will never drop out of the race to be president and will never let his supporters down. He has been under pressure after a tape from 2005 of him bragging about groping and kissing women was broadcast. The latest to withdraw their support are former Republican presidential candidate John McCain and former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. Mr McCain said Mr Trump's comments "make it impossible to continue to offer even conditional support for his candidacy", while Ms Rice said: "Enough! Donald Trump should not be President. He should withdraw." New Hampshire Senator Kelly Ayotte said in a statement: "I cannot and will not support a candidate for president who brags about degrading and assaulting women," she said Ms Ayotte - who faces a competitive race for re-election - said she would not vote for Mrs Clinton but instead would "write in" Mike Pence, Mr Trump's vice-presidential running mate, on her ballot paper.