=========================================================================== If you find this how-to helpful you can: Donate LTC to: LTHMTThM83pqwPAsTi4AbXsahGfCjnFxH7 Donate BTC to: 1ECtmhV33x2GwUi7AmYUrNXpi49pWvinBo =========================================================================== How to earn money through bitcoin and litecoin online and eventually turn that in to real gold and silver. Version 0.1 =========================================================================== INDEX 1) How to set up Litecoin Mining 2) How to earn bitcoins 3) How to turn it in to Gold and Silver =========================================================================== 1) How to set up Litecoin Mining. - Donate LTC to: LTHMTThM83pqwPAsTi4AbXsahGfCjnFxH7 - =========================================================================== Litecoin mining will allow you to set up a steady stream of income just by leaving your computer running. Litecoin is an alternative to the popular online digital curreny Bitcoin. Mining completes computational algorithms that provide security and verify transactions on the network. Mining pays Litecoins to the operators for minting new digital coins (these are difficult to create) and a small percentage of transaction fees earned across the network. One an intel CORE i7 you can expect to earn more than a litecoin per week at current difficult, earning up to $200 per year by leaving your computer on at current prices. Bitcoin mining is also possible if your computer has a GPU but it is currently less profitable. Get your litecoin wallet. ==================================================================== (Because you need an address to send your mined litecoins too) Option a: Get an address to receive your bitcoins. Using a trading website such as btc-e.com will allow you trade between different currencies easily, as well as access your fund anywhere. The advantage to this is option is that it is mobile and you don't need to constantly download and sync the block chains. Make sure you trust the wallet provider. Option b: Use a litecoin wallet installed on your computer such as litecoin-qt. This option leave you in control and is potentially more secure. You can trade between your btc-e wallet and your litcoin-qt wallet but pay attention to transaction fees. https://github.com/litecoin-project/litecoin/downloads Choose and set up your pool. ==================================================================== A mining pool helps you receive a share of coins mined by a pool. This creates a steady even share of coins at the rate you mine and is the best option if you don't have serious hardware to solo mine. A good mining pool operator is ltc.kattare.com. Choose your mining software. ==================================================================== LTC is designed to be mined through a CPU. Newer GPU options exist, but one of the ways LTC was intended to be mined is concurrently with BTC on the GPU. The more powerful, faster mining software is generally run through the command line so that computer resources are not wasted displaying a GUI. minderd is a good miner. You can get minerd from the following links. Make sure you choose the correct operating system. Binaries for Windows: http://sourceforge.net/projects/cpuminer/files/pooler-cpuminer-2.2.3-win32.zip (32-bit) http://sourceforge.net/projects/cpuminer/files/pooler-cpuminer-2.2.3-win64.zip (64-bit) Binaries for Linux: http://sourceforge.net/projects/cpuminer/files/pooler-cpuminer-2.2.3-linux-x86.tar.gz (x86) http://sourceforge.net/projects/cpuminer/files/pooler-cpuminer-2.2.3-linux-x86_64.tar.gz (x86-64) Binaries for Mac OS X: (courtesy of shawnp0wers and phraust) https://github.com/downloads/pooler/cpuminer/pooler-cpuminer-2.1.2-osx32.zip (32-bit, outdated) https://github.com/downloads/pooler/cpuminer/pooler-cpuminer-2.2.2-osx64.zip (64-bit) To setup a Litecoin CPU Miner, you first want to extract the zip. Then you want to open a text editor and create a file named cfg.json. This should be saved in the same directory as you extracted cpu miner to. This file will tell the miner which pool it should connect to. Inside cfg.json copy and paste the following (curly braces included): { "_comment1" : "Any long-format command line argument ", "_comment2" : "may be used in this JSON configuration file", "url" : "http://ltc.kattare.com:9332/", "user" : "YOUR_USERNAME.1", "pass" : "x", "quiet" : true } ==================================================================== Now you want to open your computers command line terminal or command prompt. You need to change to the directory that you extracted the Cpu miner to earlier. Do this by using the CD command. Windows >cd \path\to\cpuminer\ Linux / OSX $cd /path/cpu/miner/ Example startup (linux/osx): ./minerd --syslog --background --config=./cfg.json To see what's happening, tail your log file! Example startup (windows) minderd --config=/path/to/cfg.json =================================================================== Once your miner is set up leave it running and earn. =========================================================================== 2) EARN BITCOINS - Donate BTC to: 1ECtmhV33x2GwUi7AmYUrNXpi49pWvinBo - =========================================================================== Now that you are mining Litecoin, you want to find a way of earning bitcoin, the more popular online currency. Trading between the two currencies will help you maximise your earnings. If you have already signed up for btc-e.com you will have a bitcoin address, otherwise locate and install bitcoin-qt wallet. get free bitcoins for watching ads chatting and surfing sites http://coinvisitor.com/earn.php?ref=1ECtmhV33x2GwUi7AmYUrNXpi49pWvinBo http://www.bitvisitor.com/?ref=1ECtmhV33x2GwUi7AmYUrNXpi49pWvinBo https://coinad.com?r=8103 http://www.cointube.tv/?ref=1ECtmhV33x2GwUi7AmYUrNXpi49pWvinBo get bitcoins for doing tasks: bitcoinget.com Initially the amounts you will earn will be small, but as you learn more about bitcoin you will be able to grow your earnings. By supplementing your bitcoin earnings with Litecoin you will be diversifying you income streams and able to make the most of the rise and fall of these sometimes volatile digital currencies. Bitcoins value has risen rapidly recently and I believe that long term Bitcoin will continue to rise. The small dollar amounts you earn from these free sites could potentially be very valuable in the future. =========================================================================== 3)TURN YOUR BITCOINS AND LITECOINS IN TO REAL MONEY Diversify your savings and protect yourself from unexpected financial crisis. =========================================================================== Bitcoin and Litecoin were created to try and solve problems with real world currencies. As with all finances the safest way to protect yourself from financial strife is to diversify your holdings. Consider buying gold or silver. Amagi metals is a trustworthy online metals dealer with low prices. They also accept bitcoin, so you can turn your bitcoins in to real money. Why not start your collection with a 1 gram Pamp Suisse bar. http://www.amagimetals.com/gold/fractional-mix/1-gram.html?acc=a5bfc9e07964f8dddeb95fc584cd965d Gold has been the surest investment for over 2000 years. Silver prices are currently very very good, get in before they rise again. http://www.amagimetals.com/silver/1-ounce/1-oz-silver-golden-state-mint-bar.html?acc=a5bfc9e07964f8dddeb95fc584cd965d I believe now is a good time to consider investing in metals, though please be wise and conduct your own research before investing. =========================================================================== If you find this how-to helpful you can: Donate LTC to: 1ECtmhV33x2GwUi7AmYUrNXpi49pWvinBo Donate BTC to: 1ECtmhV33x2GwUi7AmYUrNXpi49pWvinBo ===========================================================================