Friends It's been a busy few months! As some of you already know, I'm starting up a new company in the digital finance space. My business partner is Chris Odom, a brilliant technologist whose Open Transactions software is gaining recognition as the most advanced digital finance 2.0 platform available. It features instant, global financial and legal transactions, virtually free, with a level of security and privacy not thought possible before. We are tremendously excited about what our technology will make possible. It has implications for everybody—consumers, businesses, and institutions. We are building two products: 1. A consumer mobile phone app that enables everyone, including the 2.5 billion "unbanked" in Africa, Asia, and South America to safely buy and sell and participate in the world economy—no bank account required. 2. A turnkey enterprise platform that enables anyone, anywhere to set up a business from scratch, complete with legal entity, payment system, and website, within minutes and at negligible cost. All that's required is a mobile phone. Everyone in the world now has access to a mobile phone. Mobile payments are projected to reach one trillion US dollars by 2015. Global payments already exceed 670 trillion US dollars. Our mission is to build the world's best digital finance platform to enable a new generation of entrepreneurs to create amazing new products and services that will transform the world. Through our technological innovations, and by dramatically lowering the cost of doing business, whole new classes of businesses become viable. The greatest beneficiaries will be ordinary people everywhere, who will be empowered to live and do business with greater freedom than ever before, creating unprecedented prosperity. That's why we're doing this. We're making good progress: Developed a business model that is compliant with regulatory requirements worldwide, avoids legal and political risk, is attractive to consumers and developers, and is very profitable. Set up our corporate infrastructure. Released a new version of our software that is much easier to use and has powerful new features. Recorded a video series that showcases our technology and how to implement and use it. Completed a mockup of our mobile phone app. Completed a first version of our website. Started discussions with our first integration partners. Attracted increasing interest from developers and investors. We’re now receiving press inquiries from leading business magazines for articles on Monetas, and we’re about to pitch investors for our seed funding round. So the momentum is building and things are starting to take shape! But these are still early days in the journey toward realizing our ambitious long-term vision. To reach our goals we’ll need a strong team of talented people who execute well, and substantial capital. We’ll soon be hiring additional team members—see our careers page. If you know great people who share our vision and might be interested in: joining our team, building applications on our platform, investing on the ground floor, or hearing more about Monetas, point them our way. My contact info is below. Thank you. Best regards Johann Johann Gevers CFA CA BCom BSc BA Founder and CEO Monetas +1 650 427 9865