Windows 10 1709 update failed => Troubleshooter successfully repaired all issues. However, the issue still remains. The Microsoft stock is as follows. Would you like to answer one of these instead? It would be nice to stop these updates from attempting until a solution is found. All seemed to work as expected but apparently the driver update coming with 1709 did crash. This helps eliminate software conflict that occurs when you install a program or an update. After I got notification to restart to apply 1709 update, I restart, and applying update message shown, until 30%. Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help. Unfortunately Windows Update does not provide any specific information as far as I could find to track down this problem. You expect the users to waste countless hours doing your testing for free. Sc Stop wuauserv - hit enter 2. First of all we need to stop the windows update service, to do this open command prompt as administrator, execute command net stop net stop wuauserv to stop windows update service. Update 1709 failed when applying updates - It has been months of continuous downloads and updates and failures to no end. I've tried to install with windows update and this came up. Windows update continues to attempt to install these updates but fails. It would be nice to stop these updates from attempting until a solution is found. Here is the setupact and setuperr files. Any words of wisdom would be much appreciated. Sorry to hear about your membership. First I would try the updated Trouble Shooter for Windows 10 Once download disconnect from Internet. Once you've run the Trouble Shooter I would then follow these items before retrying the update. These are quick fixes from an article on resolving Window Updates issues. Quick fixes The following steps can resolve many Windows upgrade problems. Before doing this ensure you are not impacting any Raids or Storage Pools you have set up. If you are you may wish to leave them connected. To automatically repair hard drives, open an elevated command prompt, switch to the drive you wish to repair, and type the following command. You will be required to reboot the computer if the hard drive being repaired is also the system drive. It may take several minutes for the command operations to be completed. I noticed there is one for your board to improve compatibility with 5th Generation processors. Once complete connect to Internet, navigate to Setup and double click. I should let you know that I have tried many of your suggestions with no luck. I've also used Voidtools Everything but have a few questions. I'm a little confused about the rest of your instructions on locating the other logs, the actual pathways and where to look. When I enter this in the search area in Voidtools it shows nothing. By default the Panther logs are hidden. So when using file explorer you should modify to show hidden files. Everything search does not need to be modified to show hidden files. Everything is much faster than file explorer search. For everything it will display the most results with the fewest characters. Then as you type more characters the search results become narrow. So windows 10 1709 update failed the characters into the search and find as many of the panther files in the list and post what you can find into the thread using one drive or drop box share links. So type: rollback setupapi dev. The file reference number is 0x2000000000090. An Online Scan will automatically run as part of the next scheduled maintenance task. The filter returned a non-standard final status of 0xC000000D. If this condition persists, contact the vendor. This error could be caused if the system stopped responding, crashed, or lost power unexpectedly. This error could be caused windows 10 1709 update failed the system stopped responding, crashed, or lost power unexpectedly. Windows will attempt to restart the device in the shared process 1 more times before moving the device in its own process. Please contact the device manufacturer for more information about this problem. This may temporarily interrupt your ability to access the devices.