Most parents with small children will appreciate the small amount of quiet time an episode of Peppa Pig or the film Frozen can bring to their day. And while there's nothing wrong with a bit of screen time, new research suggests this should be capped at 90 minutes in order to reduce the risk of obesity in later years. The study – published in the journal Paediatrica – claims there's a strong link between obesity and prolonged exposure in younger years to TVs, computers and smart devices. Toddlers, on average, watch an hour of television a day, according to the research - a statistic that jumps to around 7.25 hours aged 9. The experts from European Academy of Paediatrics and the European Childhood Obesity Group say childhood obesity has increased by an "alarming rate" and that parents should aim to understand the health impact of social media and screen use on their children. As such, they advise limiting the use of smartphones, TVs and laptops to 90 minutes per day for children under 4, report the Telegraph. But what else do the experts recommend? Children shouldn't have TVs in their bedrooms Televisions should be turned off during ad breaks Refrain from using iPads, smartphones or television as a "babysitting or calming" technique Parents should reduce their own consumption of television and social media As well as the duration of screen time, the study highlighted how late-night television and social media consumption affects the sleep quality of younger people. In a press release, senior author Dr Adamos Hadjipanayis from the European Academy of Paediatrics said: "Parents should limit TV viewing and the use of computers and similar devices to no more than 1.5 hours a day and only if the child is older than four years of age. Moreover, paediatricians should Inform parents about the general risk that mass media use poses to their children's cognitive and physical development.