Hi there! Almost didnt see you! Sorry for the double post, but i forgot a little something. Anyways; There are three steps to persuading women into having sex with you. Step number 1: Trap her! Physically corner her in a room, and eventually, in your life. Step 2: Insult your princess! Insult her face, her body, her brain, her car. The lower her self esteem, THE HIGHER YOUR CHANCES BRO!. It’s been biologically proven! BY ME! Step 3: Shamelessly brag. Not quite lying, but close. Make up a stories about how you singlehandedly murdered a wild animal with an old tincan. Such stories, or any other old story about you being a strong, dominant and aggressive male are going to release huge amounts of a hormone deep inside the females body called Insatia. It makes ovulate! For sex! With you! This is also biologically proven, both by me and all my bros! And thats pretty much it, guys. But there are a few other things to keep in mind aswell: -Dress like her dad, it releases a hormone called Momatomin, which is the more potent version of Insatia. -When you get into an elevator with her, press a higher number and then make a big fuzz about it! -Push her in a lake and dont help her to get out again! -Be one of the tallest guys in the bar and brag about how long your but crack is! Chicks dig that shit! -Sing a song that you supposedly heard on the radio and then make fun of her for not knowing it! -Use the word idiot! -NEVER EVER make her pancakes, force her to make YOU pancakes, in the middle of the night. Have fun and good luck!