The Basics 1. Learn how to walk, before you run. Remember that it pays to have a solid foundation. So learn how PPC works and you can work it out from there. 2. Before starting your PPC campaign, make sure you’ve already defined your objective as it will never work to have a scattergun approach. Do not try to be all things to all men. 3. Monitor your development, don’t set it and just forget it is there. It doesn’t work like that. 4. Math will help you in this endeavor. Embrace it. 5. Mobile PPC is growing fast. Don’t ignore it. 6. There will be a lot of failure. In many of your tests, you’ll find out that many of the things you’ve set up is just losing you money, or losing clients. What you have to do is identify which of those variables is the culprit. 7. Attend conferences because the brightest minds in this campaign are found there. Shake their hands. Ask questions. 8. Do the difficult options. They must be difficult because it is worth it. Don’t be lazy and settle for just the automated choices. 9. Google or Microsoft or Yahoo has customer support that can assist you in times of need. Tips on targeting the correct audience Before moving on to choosing your keywords, you should first be able to know who the target of your PPC campaign is. You should know where your ideal people live, why they need it and an overview of their frame of mind. 10. A tightly defined audience will help you in the long run. 11. Google has a feature which will enable you to block up to 5000 websites from running your ads. This will help you control where your ads appear and block those irrelevant to your campaign. It will need time and effort but consider it a good investment as it will give you more quality leads. 12. DoubleClick Ad Planner is made to help you identify which websites are more likely to be visited by your audience using filters for age, gender, location, education and income. 13. Make use of alternative PPC traffic sources aside from Yahoo and Microsoft AdCenter as they would be able to offer you something different. Since they are competing against mainstream traffic sources, chances are, they are constantly improving their services. This is very useful especially those who are operating on a tight budget. 14. A very large number of people spend majority of their online time in social media networks, take advantage of this. 15. In Facebook, they will allow you to define your target by filtering gender, education, relationship status, workplace and location. 16. Facebook and its more important “LIKE” feature can also be used to trigger ads. So if they like running, most likely, they will be able to see ads for running gears. 17. MySpace also has their own display ad builder, they also offer the ability to target audience based on interests and by parental status. 18. In LinkedIn, you can choose your target audience based on the job role, company size, sector, and even seniority or experience. They also provide a link at the bottom of their text ads directly to the person who made the ad, boosting credibility. 19. A great chunk of the population is using Gmail, give them a piece of you advertisement. 20. Remember to advertise only where you can deliver. For example, hide your ads from international audience if you can’t service them or if you do not simply ship internationally. 21. Use the local searches option if your business is limited to a certain location. Google and Yahoo offer this option when you input a certain radius of who you want to see your ads. For example, if you are trying to sell fitness franchise but prefers to sell it to people who are in the Chicago area. You would then select a certain mile radius around an address in Chicago. The other way to do a local search is to add the area to your search term. For example, if you are a carpet cleaner in Rochester, New York, one of your terms might be “carpet cleaner Rochester”. 22. Make sure to consider seasonality. For example educational products and services are at its peak during enrollment or exams week or at times when you think people are thinking about school, or that holiday ornaments are the hit during holidays. Tips on Choosing the Right Keywords A keyword is defined as a word or a phrase that searchers to look for information on a topic that they need to know a about or at the very least, interested about it. The main point in choosing the right keyword for your pay-per-click campaign is that you must find the word or phrases that are important or mostly used by your target audience. So here are a few tips on keyword selection. 23. A good collection of keywords is that which is well-thought of. Brainstorming is one of the first things that you should do. It is common to have a very long list of keywords when you are still starting out. 24. Invest time and resources in developing your keywords because it is composed of too few words, it may have detrimental effects on your campaign’s efficiency. Remember that a longer list of keywords does not necessarily come with a higher price tag. 25. Broad match keywords should be avoided even if it gives you additional exposure. The truth is that it is potentially expensive because your ads will appear for any similar phrases that the search engine thinks is appropriate. This can lead irrelevant searchers to land on your page without meaning to. 26. Using the phrase match option, if you entered your keyword enclosed by quotation marks, such as “network software”, your ad will appear when a user searches only on the phrase “network software”, with the words in that order. Other terms can be included in the search but they mast fall before or after your root keyword. For example, your ad would be triggered for the query “open source network software” but not for “network monitoring software”. Targeting with phrase matching is more precise than broad matching and more flexible than the exact match option. 27. By surrounding your keywords with brackets your ads will appear only when users search for the specific phrase: “network software”. This option is called exact match. The query must be in this order and not contain any other terms. For instance, your ad will not display on a query on “networking” software or “enterprise network software”. Exact matching is the most precise option and typically generates the least amount of traffic. Although your ads won’t receive as many impressions, the benefits are that the clicks you do revive should convert to leads at a much higher rate. 28. Do not underestimate the value of hyphens because they matter too! For example, if you decided to use a keyword phrase such as “self-help”, be sure to also include “self-help” as you might be missing a big chunk of your market. 29. Use varying verbs because different people express themselves differently especially in their usage of verbs. As an example: “Try to quit” and “Trying to quit”. 30. Don’t forget your adjectives because many people are particular with their searches, “new” and “low-priced” are some of them. 31. Use common misspellings to your advantage. Online users commonly misspell words and phrases they are looking for maybe due to how they type and that they assume search engines would just correct them etc. For example, barbecue is usually misspelled as barbeque or they would just type in BBQ. 32. Using negative keywords can eventually lead to a higher number of quality clicks. It’s one way of removing bad traffic from your page, therefore removing unnecessary costs. So if you really are serious in acquiring quality leads, and also overall quality score, you will have to use negative keywords at some point. What you can do is to review your keyword list and think of other words that can be associated with them and add them as negative keywords as soon as possible. For example, if you are running an ad for “rehab”, you might want to add “nursing home” as a negative keyword. Or if you are selling authentic branded bags, you might want to hide your ads when people are searching for “fake bags” etc. 33. Research shows that majority of advertisers fails to group their keywords, putting you in far better position among your competitors if done correctly. Your campaign will benefit significantly from taking advantage of AdWords ability to set up multiple campaigns and multiple AdGroups. Don’t pull all your eggs in one basket. Separate your keywords into smaller, more targeted AdGroups with ad copy that is specific to those keywords so that you can track the progress of your campaign on a granular level. PPC campaign divided into low and high performing keywords will allow you to make the most out of your PPC budget without sacrificing visibility and brand awareness for key terms. 34. To shorten the time you spend targeting your keyword list, the AdWords Wrapper is a free tool that helps you wrap keyword phrases in quotation marks, brackets and creates negative keywords for free. 35. Test different keywords by tracking your campaign carefully by using Google analytics or other tools that you might have. This will give you an insight if one keyword is better than the other, or if your list is even effective. 36. Remember that keyword research ability is an underrated skill. There are experts now that offer this service which can add up to 20% quality leads. Keyword Bidding Tips The bidding management part of your pay-per-click campaign is one of the more complicated areas of PPC marketing. Because of this, many advertisers opted to either use Google AdWords’ automated bidding option or a third-party bidding management solution. The former is virtually free but it gives you zero control over it and less transparency. The later, in general, is more robust but it comes with a price so it may not be feasible for budget restricted campaigns. 37. Top-performing keywords should get the traffic they deserve. 38. Don’t pay too much for competitive terms. If the cost-per-action is twice the goal and the position is less than three, reduce the bid. 39. If the conversion rate of the keywords is twice the average, and the position is less than 3, increase your bid. 40. The rule of thumb is that do not bid more than what you can afford. In most cases, the top position will not give you the most profit. Don’t just settle for #1 rank. Spend time in reviewing conversion and cost-per-action and study the results carefully when you move your ad from 1, 3 and 4 slots. There are cases where your conversions don’t owe anything to their position and that will save you a great deal. 41. Don’t forget to experiment. If you think you’re keywords are performing well within your budget, it doesn’t mean you will just stop there. Optimizing for clicks can still drive sales. 42. After making a conversion, you should not forget to look at the customer’s true marketing value. You should work to increase his post-value sale. From there you can make a much better bidding decision if you already have a picture of the customer’s worth. Nurture leads, upsell and launch great customer retention programs so as to make your business more successful. 43. Know what your floor and ceiling bids are. If you are not sure of these thresholds, use AdWords Campaign Experiments to test bids. It can be extremely powerful in honing your optimal bids so as to help you drive conversions at a profitable rate. 44. If you don’t like to bid on brand terms, study its effect for two weeks. After that, review if it has increases leads or revenue. It costs more so test it first if it works for you. 45. It is also considered best practice to consider the overall trends when it comes to bid management. It considers the time of day, day of the week, average position and reviewing search query data. 46. For large accounts that require frequent bid changes, Google AdWords will help you a lot. 47. Make a scheduled optimization. Do not check on it every day and make reactionary changes every so often. If you are among those who do it, most likely, you are not gathering enough data. Make sure that you base your changes in properly recorded data. 48. Two weeks is the ideal interval to make bid adjustment since it is long enough for you to gather historical data and short enough to be updated. 49. Dayparting is the easiest way to lessen cost-per-action during the down times of the day. In this method, bids are increased during the times of day where conversion is at its highest. On the other hand, bids are decreased or even paused altogether during the wee-hours. 50. Always go back to this one: the goal of PPC is not maximizing clicks. The goal of PPC is maximizing conversion. So in times when you are confused with the direction of your campaign, always remember this one. Tips for the Ad Copy Developing the right ads for your PPC campaign entails a certain degree of creativity guided by your PPC goals and strategies. 51. Display ad can offer you an additional route to market, and allow you to apply search marketing copy-writing expertise to a graphical format. 52. New ads can have a significant effect on conversion rates like the effect of new landing pages. 53. Be sure that your landing pages meets what was promised on your ad. Don’t promise what you can’t give. 54. Entice the visitor to buy today and he’ll miss a lot if he postpones it tomorrow. For example, mention that a big sale will last only today. 55. Offer them additional discount code if he comes back in the near future. 56. Google allows you to create up to 50 variations of your ad that can be served in rotation so maximize this option and not run just one ad. See which brings in the most result. 57. Each ad should be specifically made to match a certain keyword and the description so as to meet certain expectations. 58. Use brief sentences and paragraphs as they are easier to read. 59. It is essential that your ad must generate excitement by reading like a real classified. Make sure you’ll make them click your link as result pages in search engine will surely display your competitors as well. 60. Try to find that sweet spot as to the timing of your ad, do not sell them your product too soon, it will scare them away. Use your ad to capture and engage and not just a billboard that is simply giving you exposure. Tell them information, what you can offer and what is their edge if they choose you. 61. Give them something tangible and not just an empty promise through free trial, free sample or even an information kit. 62. Use enticing words that will make them take the next step such as “Find out now”, “10 secrets of…” and the like. 63. Do not use “the cheapest out there” or anything with the word “cheap” in describing your products and services, it makes it look cheap. 64. Test dollar versus percentage discounts when running a sale promotion. Tips for Landing Pages Landing pages are very essential to the success of your PPC campaign. When searchers clicks on an ad, they expect to be taken precisely to what was promised in the ad and not to your homepage. The bottom line is, the landing page is the end of a domino effect in that all the efforts you’ve put into your PPC campaign will bring you to this one last hurdle. 65. Create proper landing pages pertaining to each category of your target. This will help meet the expectations of your potential customers. If in case they were sent to an irrelevant landing page, it will highly be possible that this will disrupt the sales process and can also result in low ad quality score. What happens if you have a low score? You will have to pay more for each click and will have limited exposure relative to your competitors with higher scores. 66. “Buy Now”, “More Info”, and “Go” are different test button wording which can stir different user behaviors- just determine which works for you best. 67. Find the perfect button size since if it is too small, it makes just be ignored or not seen at all. Make it too big, and it will make your ad unprofessional and questionable. 68. Different button colors have different effects. Consider fast food chains that choose red because it stirs hunger, same logic behind the button colors. 69. The position of the button is also essential, especially if you have a long page as it is irritating to scroll back up and down again. You should have multiple action buttons for this. 70. Always spy on your competitors especially the leading ones. Look at what they do well and what they don’t so you would get an idea of what to do and what not to do. 71. Make your page rich with quality content. If you give the information that they need, this will help people convert. Take a look at Amazon’s page where there is no more space for another word. They have a lot of details, consumer reviews and pricing comparisons which helps make them the leading player in online selling. 72. Test and review direct response on your landing pages against your current or old ones. By doing so, you can see which version of your landing page has little or no navigation at all and then you can act accordingly. 73. You can also consider sending traffic directly to your homepage. This maybe a little complex for your taste but when you are confident that you’re homepage reflect how great your products and services are, can definitely help you obtain more sales. 74. Always check your contents every so often as you might miss useless information or something obsolete. For example, you might have content about a coming holiday, so that would be useless after some time and has to be taken out of the site. 75. The arrangement of your pages should have a logical explanation. 76. As people nowadays are easily distracted, it is best if you have a single column rather than have the searchers searching sideways. 77. How you arrange your products are vital. For example, you can opt to arrange them by price or by popularity. It is better if you have the option to display for both. 78. Try to create different pricing models as supermarkets do. They have both the cheaper and the higher end version. 79. Add testimonials from past customers and their feedbacks too, to make it more real. 80. Add high quality images. Do not just leave everything to the imagination as it might create false expectations. 81. Use original hero shots rather than cheap stock photos as they are easily identifiable. Your web presence is on hands of your hero shots better make a good impression. 82. Keep it simple. Use layman’s terms! 83. Experiment with background colors. 84. Make site navigation easy. 85. The most important information should be on top as some users need quick reassurance before they scroll down some more. 86. Speed up your site as people are very intolerant of slow loading sites. Sign-up and Checkout Tips This is the last step before making that sale! This determines if all your efforts in the PPC campaign will pay off. So make it as smooth as possible. 87. Lessen the required fields that need to be filled. People are not always comfortable giving out personal information so try to minimize it when signing-up visitors on your site or landing page. 88. Sign-up buttons must be appealing. Try to make it more creative such as “ready to win” or “get started today”. Try to think about other variations as the word “submit” possess some negative connotations by itself. 89. Test which works for you as free shipping and a slightly higher price works for some people as they think they are getting something for free, you can also test lowest price strategy and look which performs better. 90. A variety of payment option that works for your potential clients would help you rack in conversions. 91. As this transaction is done online, even if people would already want to buy your products, they will still have second doubts about scammers and all. Make your site trustworthy by including so-called trust buttons such as “Verified by Visa” and “Money back Guarantee”. 92. If the customer is already on his online shopping cart and is trying to checkout but excess navigation has confused him, there is a big chance that he will just cancel it. So try to make buying direct for them, since they are already where you want them to be. 93. Try to be original, what works for others may not work for you. But you can also look what works for them and tweak it to make it work for you. Tips on Statistical Analysis 94. Track how your PPC campaign is doing in its conversion by using Google’s conversion tracking feature. There are other third party software programs. This includes customers filling out the sign-up form, buying a product or even just reaching the contact page. Google AdWords will help you track which keywords perform by looking at their conversion percentage and cost-per-conversion data. From there, you’ll be able to know which just wastes of money are. 95. Analytics do not just tell you how to improve your conversion rate or return of investment, it also pull good insights such as why there is an increasing number of mobile users who are visiting your site. This can even lead to new product offering if you know how to use the newfound information. 96. Google keeps inventing betas for a reason. Look at what it has to offer. 97. Audit your accounts. 98. If someone tells you that something won’t work, test it anyway. This is called Truth Busting. 99. Finish your tests so that you can make a conclusion and then go back to your original settings if it didn’t work out. 100. Always be on top of the game by setting up Google Alerts for your brand and your competitors as well. You will have the advantage in knowing trends.