Chapter 1: Preparing for a Journey into Unknown Lands 1 After returning from the Empire, Ainz sat at his desk in E-Rantel and leaned heavily against the back of his Chair. 从帝国回到耶·兰提尔办公室的安兹,深深地靠在了椅背上。 While he had already begun recruiting for the newly-founded Adventurer’s Guild of the Sorcerous Kingdom, it would take quite some time before the results could be seen. Until then, he would have to amply prepare himself. 虽然这次对魔导国新成立的冒险者工会的进行了人员招募,但在能看出效果前仍需要不少时间吧。再那之前必须得做足十全的准备。 The top priority was a school for training adventurers, but judging by the circumstances, perhaps he could use the Adventurer’s Guild itself. It would probably be a sign of hospitality to prepare a hostel for those volunteers who had travelled a long distance to seek him out. Their tutors would be those adventurers who had chosen to remain within the Sorcerous Kingdom. 首当其冲当的便是育成冒险者的学校,但根据情况使用冒险者工会也是可以的吧。为了远道而来的志愿者们准备栋宿舍也算是亲切吧。负责教导的人员——教师就采用现在仍留在魔导国的冒险者。 I should probably ask Albedo about the delegation of duties… but before that… why did he bring up the matter of vassalage… it’ll make trouble for Albedo and Demiurge, right? That’s not good, right…? (包括整备区划的事,应该找雅儿贝德她们来商量下吗……但在那之前……为什么要说出属国这种事啊……绝对会让雅儿贝德和迪米乌哥斯感到困扰的好吗……) Ainz had no idea what Jircniv was thinking. Neither did he know how to explain the situation to those two sagacious individuals. What had motivated Jircniv to make a proposal like that? For all he knew, there might have been some skulduggery from Demiurge and the others at work here. 安兹是一点也弄不明白吉克尼夫的想法。为此究竟该怎样像那两位智者说明,安兹也完全没有头绪。到底是怎样的契机才会令吉克尼夫做出那样的提案呢。弄不好在安兹不知道的背地里,迪米乌哥斯他们偷偷做了什么的可能性也是有的。 I should have discussed all this with Demiurge beforehand. Ah, but he went to a faraway place, and now all I can do is think of how to take care of it with just the two of us… as I thought, it’s impossible, huh... (果然应该事先问问迪米乌哥斯的考量的吧。啊,但他好像去了挺远的地方,这段期间只能想办法靠两个人对付过去……没戏吗……) Ainz sighed internally. His unease and confusion made his nonexistent stomach ache. And then, when he thought about what would happen when they returned, the pain intensified. 哈的、安兹在心中大大的叹了口气。由于不安与混乱本该不存在的胃在隐隐作痛。然后一想到两人回来以后的事,就疼的更加厉害了。 Ainz shook his head, and then considered the information he had learned from the Empire, so as to avoid having to think about what loomed before him. 安兹摇了摇头,然后考虑起了从帝国获取的重要情报,以此来逃避将要来临的问题。 “...Runes, huh.” 「……卢恩符文吗」 Bits and pieces of knowledge from YGGDRASIL were scattered throughout this mysterious new world, like stars glittering in the night. There were traces of other players, and then there was the existence of World-Class Items. 在这个未知的世界中,零星的存在着YGGDRASIL的知识。玩家们的身影、和世界级道具的存在亦是如此。 To those could be added the existence of runes, characters from Suzuki Satoru’s world. 而这其中,原来存在于铃木悟世界的文字、卢恩符文现在也被追加了上去。 The reason why the people of the Theocracy could summon angels from the religions of Suzuki Satoru’s world was probably due to the magic of YGGDRASIL. 教国人之所以会将铃木悟世界宗教中的天使作为召唤物,也是因为那是YGGDRASIL魔法的缘故吧。 Then, what about these runes? Why did they exist in this world? Were the runes in this world the same as those in Suzuki Satoru’s world? Or were they simply a form of magical writing which resembled runes, and were thus automatically translated as such? 那么卢恩符文又是怎么回事。为什么会有那样的东西存在。这个世界的卢恩符文与铃木悟世界的又是否相同。还是说只是偶尔相同的魔法文字,被自动翻译功能译作了「卢恩」而已呢。 The Dwarven Kingdom is located in the Azellisia Mountain Range, which is nearby. I need to thoroughly investigate it. I guess… I’ll have to go there in person, huh? (……矮人的国家就位于安杰利西亚山脉这样的近处。有好好调查一番的必要。果然……不得不去跑一趟吗?) Naturally, Ainz had asked Fluder about runes before returning to E-Rantel. 当然了,在回耶·兰提尔之前,安兹也有向夫路达打听过关于卢恩符文的事情。 However, all he knew was that the Dwarven King who had once visited the Empire was a runesmith, and that the Empire purchased weapons and armor from the Dwarven Kingdom. However, about a hundred years ago, all traces of rune-carved magic items had been lost. 但他所知道也就只有,曾经造访帝国的矮人国的国王就是卢恩工匠这一职业,以及帝国从矮人国那里购入的武器、防具,自大约一百年前起,雕刻着卢恩符文的魔法道具就消声灭迹了事而已。 While this was very valuable information to Ainz, it was not what he truly sought to know. 虽然这对于安兹来说也是非常重要的情报,但他真正想知道的却不是这些。 There was no runesmith job class in YGGDRASIL. If that’s a profession which is unique to this world, then there’s a chance that the technology of both worlds might be combined into one. Therefore, I’ll need to pay careful attention to this. However, who should I send? (卢恩工匠这种职业在YGGDRASIL中并不存在。如果这是这个世界特有的职业的话,只要两个世界的技术有融合的可能性,就必须得仔细地调查调查。但是,派谁去好呢?) All he wanted was to visit the Dwarven Kingdom and ask about runes and the like. As for the profession of runesmith -- well, given that it was a technological matter, even if they reacted very badly to it, he could probably bluff his way through by saying that he was interested in that sort of magic. 只是去一趟矮人国,打听些与卢恩符文相关的情报而已。卢恩工匠这一职业——由于关于到技术方面的事,就算对方嘴很严最坏的情况,也只要使用魅惑这样的魔法撬开他们的嘴就好。 If it was just a matter of using charm or domination magic, or kidnapping people with teleportation magic, then just about anyone would do. But what if there was a player behind these runes? For all he knew, the person who had brainwashed Shalltear was hiding there. 只要是能使用这类精神操作系魔法的人,又或者是能使用转移魔法将对方拐回来的话,派谁出去应该都不会有太大问题的才是。但问题是,如果在卢恩符文的背后有玩家存在的话,又该怎么办才好呢。说不好对夏提雅进行洗脑的对手就藏在那里也不一定。 I want to learn more before going in, but it won’t be easy to find out about something that even Fluder doesn’t know. (虽然还想再从侧面多打听些情报,但想要入手连那个夫路达都不知道的知识,可没有那么简单啊) Ainz slowly rose from his seat. 安兹慢慢的从座椅上站了起来。 In an instant, the woman beside him sprang into action. She had a very lively energetic look on her face, and the boyish cut of her hair made her look quite masculine. She was Decrement, Ainz’s duty maid for the day. 瞬间,守候在一旁的女性也随之动起来。她的表情看上去就很活泼的,男性化的短发也与其很是相称。她便是今天值安兹班的女仆、蒂克莉蔓。 Ainz reached out a hand to halt Decrement, and then began to pace slowly around his office. 安兹伸出手制止了蒂克莉蔓,并慢慢地在室内踱步思索了起来。 As Ainz calculated profit and loss with arithmetic and logic, old memories sprang unbidden to mind in the gaps between numbers. He recalled the dangers he had encountered in unexplored regions, the joy of discovering new things, the sorrow of failing a mission, and the expressions and words of the comrades with whom he had shared these experiences. They were merely memories, but even his recollections of total party kills were transmuted into a brilliant radiance that lit Ainz’s empty skull. 就在安兹用加减法和逻辑法计算着利益与损失时,在数字与数字的间隙却不禁窥视到了曾经记忆。在未知地域所遇到的危机、发现新事物是的欣喜、任务失败时的悲叹,以及与这些记忆一同出现的伙伴们的表情与话语。仅仅只是这样的记忆、就连全灭时的回忆也化为了灿烂的灯火,照亮着安兹那空虚的头盖骨。 After he slowly filed away these painful reminiscences away into his heart, Ainz’s thoughts finally took shape. 等他把这突如其来的感伤一一收进胸膛时,安兹的想法也终于成型了。 ...Nothing ventured, nothing gained, I guess. (……果然还是不入虎穴焉得虎子啊) The guild called Ainz Ooal Gown had been such an organization to begin with. 公会“安兹·乌尔·恭”原本就是那样的集团。 Naturally, some people might scoff at the idea of comparing games -- which held no danger for their players -- to reality. Still, hesitation could cost one the chance to gain new knowledge, and that was a motivation to give it one’s all. One could say that it applied equally in both, games and real life. 虽然有些人可能会说,不要把没有生命危险的游戏和现实混为一谈。但因为优柔寡断而失去了获得知识的机会,并以此为契机沦为了后手。这样的可能性又有谁能说没有呢。 After he decided to investigate the runes of the Dwarven Kingdom, a question appeared in Ainz’s mind. 在决意对矮人王国的卢恩符文展开调查后,安兹的脑海中有浮现出了下一个问题。 That would be the choice of personnel. 那就是人选。 Who would be the best candidate to send there? 要派谁去才最为合适呢。 Should I ask Demiurge’s opinion? No, if I do that, I won’t be able to send out the most combat-capable person of all. (应该先听听迪米乌哥斯或雅儿贝德的意见吗?不,那样的话最能成为战力的人就派不出去了) Said person referred to Ainz himself. 所谓的战力指的就是安兹自己。 In all honesty, Ainz was very confident that his ability to adapt to unknown situations and monsters knew no equal within the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick. Simply put, the most sensible course of action would be for Ainz to go by himself. However, if there really was an enemy player there, it would also be the most foolish move he could make. 不吹牛的说,对于未知事物的魔法对应能力,安兹非常确信在这纳萨力克地下大坟墓内没有人能出其左右。直接了当的说,由安兹自己一个人去才是最为有效战略。可是,要是那里真的存在敌对玩家的话,这将会成为最臭的一手棋。 ...With the advantage of numbers, I can at least try to flee. That means I should pick bodyguards who can buy me time while I prepare to make my escape. (……只有数名的话倒还是能带着一起逃跑的。那么就应该选择能在准备逃离的期间内,争取时间的人作为警备员吗) The first people to appear in his mind were the Floor Guardians. 最先出现在脑海中的是阶层守护者们的身影。 As level 100 NPCs, they would be able to buy time for Ainz to escape even against other players. That said, could he really use the NPCs, the beloved children of his former friends, in such a way? 身为百级NPC的他们,即使面对玩家也能够为安兹争取到脱离的时间吧。然而,将曾经的伙伴们所留下的爱子、NPC们拿来这么用有真的合适吗。 What if I used high-level vassals led by an undead lieutenant? No, their flexibility is too low, compared to the NPCs who were built from scratch. (以不死者副官为核心的,高等级奴役怎么样?不行,和NPC那样从零开始构建的角色不同,应对能力太低了) The vassals could be much more easily discarded, in comparison to the NPCs. But at the same time, their abilities lacked breadth and thus their lack of adaptability was a weakness. 用奴役们和NPC作比较的话就会发现,虽然它们有这可以轻易割舍的利点。但是同时也存在能力面狭隘、应对能力差的缺点。 When he considered them from a purely logical point of view, the NPCs were the ideal choice. Ainz the player had not conducted experiments to that effect, and thus he could not be sure if he could be resurrected. However, there was no doubt that the NPCs could be resurrected, much as he had done with Shalltear. 除去感情面的要素来考虑的话,NPC们是完美的选择。虽然身为玩家的安兹还没有经过实验,不确定是不是真的能复活。但NPC他们的话就可以像夏提雅那样复活,这一点是肯定没错的。 Ainz sat down in his chair once again. 安兹再次走进椅子,坐了下来。 “Hmm…” 「哼嗯……」 Ainz steepled his fingers in front of his face, and mulled over the best choice to make. 在面前插起手指,安兹斟酌起了最合适的选择。 But in the end, he still could not reach a conclusion. 但果然还是得不出答案。 Could it be that idiots can’t find the answer no matter how much they think? (笨蛋再怎么想也没用、吗) With a self-deprecating smile, Ainz looked over to Decrement. 不禁露出了自嘲的笑容,安兹看向了蒂克莉蔓。 “Would you be willing to die for me?” 「我让你死的话你会愿意么?」 “Of course, Ainz-sama. You have but to give the order and I will throw my life away for you,” Decrement responded, without a moment’s hesitation. 「那是当然的,安兹大人。只要您下令属下将乐意赴死」 没有一丝的犹豫,蒂克莉蔓这么答道。 “Do the others think the same way? Would they think I was a cruel master?” 「换做其他人也一样吗?不会认为我是个过分的主人吗?」 “I believe everyone else would gladly accept death without a second thought. Nobody would even think of refusing. We were made by the Supreme Beings, and thus we exist only for the Supreme Beings. There is no greater joy for us than to carry out any command they give us.” 「我想其他人也会毫不犹豫的接受死亡的吧,根本就不会有不怎么做的人。我们、由无上至尊们所创造的出来的存在,都只是为了无上至尊们而存在的。无论那是怎么样的命令,采取遵从命令的行动才是我们最大的喜悦」 “Really now… Also, I was merely asking out of curiosity. There was no deeper meaning to my question. Put it out of mind.” 「是吗……另外,刚才的问题说到底也不过是发自好奇而提出的。其中并没有什么深意。忘了吧」 As Decrement nodded, Ainz made up his mind. 随着蒂克莉蔓垂下的头,安兹下定了决心。 --He would use the NPCs. ——动员NPC。 Ainz pulled out a map of the surrounding area. 安兹取出了近郊的地图。 This map was compiled from the findings of Aura’s explorations. In particular, Ainz was sure that there was no other map which covered the interior of the Great Forest of Tob in more detail. Sadly, he could not be sure of the accuracy of the scale, and so he could not conclude that it was a perfect map. However, with this in hand, his chances of getting lost were greatly decreased. 这是统和了亚乌拉调查结果的详细地图。特别是关于都武大森林内部的部分,就安兹所知已经没有比这更细致的地图了。遗憾的是比例尺之类的东西还不是最正确,所以还不能断言是完美的地图。但是有了这个的话迷路的可能性能大大减少了吧。 Ainz placed a finger on E-Rantel, and then slowly slid it north, passing through the Great Forest. There was no problem up to this point. Most of the Forest was now within Nazarick’s area of control. After eliminating low-intelligence monsters and beasts, they had taken control of several demihuman and heteromorph settlements and that had been the end of it. There was a large cave underground, but he had no intention of messing with it for the time being. Of course, he could take control of it if doing so was profitable to him. 安兹将手指抵在耶·兰提尔上,然后慢慢地朝北推进、纵向划过了大森林。到这里为止都没有任何问题。森林的地表部分其大半,已经划入了纳萨力克的支配范围。除去部分智能低下的魔兽等怪物,再支配数个亚人和异形种的集落就全都结束了。至于在地下延生着的大空洞,虽然现在没有去动它的打算。但若是以后能产生利益的话,将其纳入支配下也是可以的吧。 His finger reached the gourd-shaped lake at the northern tip of the forest. 安兹的手指到达了,位于最北端的、呈颠倒的葫芦形状的湖泊。 Further north of there was the Azellisia Mountain Range. It was uncharted territory. 从那里再往北走便是安杰利西亚山脉。是地图上所没有的世界。 “An unknown region, huh…” 「未知吗」 Hmph, Ainz smiled. 哼的,安兹的脸上露出了笑容。 He had just impressed upon adventurers the importance of exploring the unknown. Practicing what he preached ought to play well to his audience. 刚刚才向冒险者们宣传了探求未知的话。而以身作则由自己带头前往,不也能起到很好的宣传效果吗。 “Come explore the Dwarven Kingdom of the Azellisian Mountain Range.” 「于安杰利西亚山脉探求矮人的国度」 It sounded like a slogan one would hear on television shows. 就像是电视节目中经常会用到的宣传语。 He waved away the smile that came naturally, and began his contemplation in earnest. 打消了自然流露出的笑容,安兹认真的思考了起来。 He considered the advantages that would come of personally going to a place where there might be other players. 自己特意前往,搞不好就会有玩家的地方能得到的好处。 Obviously, having the Sorcerer King show up in person was a clear sign of his sincerity. 果然是由身为魔导国国王的自己亲自前往,从而表现出的诚意吧。 It was like a company’s boss personally going to another firm to conduct negotiations. The effects of that were immediately evident, in Suzuki Satoru’s experience. 这就像是社长亲赴他社进行商谈是一样的。就铃木悟自身的经验来说,其效果也是非常显著的。 In addition, his perspective was unlike his subordinates, who tended to view those outside Nazarick as inferior lifeforms. Ainz qualified as a moderate among the members of Nazarick. As a result, he felt that he was not a bad choice for negotiating with the Dwarven Kingdom -- or a non-courageous choice, if he was being honest with himself. 而且与视纳萨力克以外的存在,皆为下等生物的一部分部下不同。真要算的话,安兹在纳萨力克其实是属于稳健派的。为此作为和矮人国交涉的人选,自己肯定是个不坏——实在是没有胆量说好——的选择。 In addition to Ainz himself, he could always send Pandora’s Actor over. 而除了安兹以外的人选,倒是可以派潘多拉·亚克特去。 He was the ideal choice, be it in terms of intelligence, adaptability or other areas. 无论是知性、应对能力、还是其他各方面的能力他都是最合适的人选。 However-- 然而—— Who will administer this country in the meantime? (这期间国家的运营要交给谁来?) Somebody else had to answer that question. 这个问题的答案根本需要其他人来解答。 That person was naturally Ainz Ooal Gown. 那自然是安兹·乌尔·恭啦。 He could not do it. 绝对办不到。 Ainz screamed internally, over and over again. 安兹在心中发出惨叫。一次又一次的发出惨叫。 If he had to pick between the two, he would rather go to the Dwarven Kingdom. 两者一对比的话,反倒是觉得去矮人国还要好办些。 More to the point, all he needed to do was to visit once and he would be able to teleport there in the future. If any problems came up, all he had to do was to play his trump card of “I shall consider this in greater detail back home”. Even if the other party countered with “We hope you will decide on the spot”, he could just throw another excuse together on the fly. 而且说到底,只要去过一次后接下来靠转移总会有办法。就算是碰到麻烦的话题,也只要抛出「这个问题我想回公司商量一下」这张王牌就可以了。就算对方说「希望就在这里决定」也只要想办法搪塞过去就行。 There were quite a lot of ways Ainz could bluff his way through this situation. 安兹能用来忽悠的手段可不少。 I had Ainzach around last time, but now I’ll be playing the role of the door-to-door salesman for my wares. It’s not like I need to come back with a sale either, so it should be easy. (上次毕竟有爱因扎克在,这回可是久违了的以我自己为中心的上门营销啊。也不是一定要拿出结果不可,应该挺轻松的才是) Ainz smiled as he took on the expression of Suzuki Satoru the salesman. Then, the context of his smile changed. 露出营业员铃木悟的表情,安兹咧嘴笑道。随后他又换上另一种意义的笑容。 Plus… as time goes by, I might be able to hand over the vassalization of the Empire to Demiurge and Albedo, and let them draw up the plans for it. Yes! It can’t be helped. It’s not like I want to flee from my work or anything! (而且……随着时间的延长,说不定帝国属国化的那件事能交给迪米乌哥斯和雅儿贝德,让他们来拟定草案也不一定啊!好!这是没有办法的事。绝不是想要从工作中逃走哦!) As he fervently made excuses for his behavior, Ainz began thinking about the next problem: 像这样拼命地将自己的言行正当化,安兹开始考虑起了下一个问题。 Who would he take with him? 随行人员该怎么办呢。 Ainz folded his arms with a baffled look on his face. 安兹双手抱臂露出了为难的表情。 While he would have liked nothing more than to have Albedo or Demiurge around, they had more important things to do and they were also the people in charge of their respective departments. If he brought either of them along, then problems would crop up in their affairs. 虽然很想带雅儿贝德或迪米乌哥斯中的一个去,但他们手上都还有其他重要的案件,又是项目的总负责人。倘若把他们叫回来的话,那边的计划指不准哪里会出漏洞。 Aura and Mare were very good choices, especially because they were humanoids like the Dwarves. Thus, their counterparts would not be too wary of them. 亚乌拉和马雷倒是相当不错的人选。特别是和矮人一样都是人类种这点,对方也不会太过警戒吧。 Cocytus would be tricky. Granted, he was a good pick for visiting a cold and mountainous region, but he was now in charge of the Great Forest of Tob, which also made him a department head of sorts. Ainz hoped that he could focus his energies on that task. In addition, his unusual appearance -- combined with that of Ainz -- would probably make the other party unnecessarily nervous. 科塞特斯就有点困难了。考虑到去险山寒地的话确实不错。但现在都武大森林的管理都交给了他。也就说他同样是项目的负责人。可以的话,还是希望它能够集中精力在那方面上。再加上其异质的外表,和安兹站在一起的话怕是会给对方带来不必要的不安。 Sebas was a good choice too. 赛巴斯也不错。 He was currently carrying out managerial duties in E-Rantel, assisted by Tsuareninya. It should be fine to bring him out with Pandora’s Actor around, but the matter of his fighting power left him a little uneasy. 现在、他正以琪雅蕾妮纳为副官,执行着耶·兰提尔管理辅佐的职务。考虑到有潘多拉·亚克特在调他出来应该无妨吧。不过在战力方面就令人有些不安了。 Gargantua and Victim were out of the question. The images of several other NPCs loomed up in Ainz’s mind, but most of them were not suitable to following Ainz around as bodyguards. 高庚大和威克提姆根本不用考虑。安兹的脑海中又浮现出了其他几个NPC的身影,但它们大多都不适合作为守护安兹安全的随行者。 If that’s the case, then it’ll have to be -- Aura and Shalltear. (那样的话就是——亚乌拉,还有夏提雅好了) Aura -- and the monsters she led -- could be considered an ideal choice. In the worst-case scenario, he could sacrifice her beasts and escape with Aura. And then there was Shalltear, the best one-on-one fighter. She could serve as a trump card against a strong foe. In addition, there was another reason why he wanted to use Shalltear. 作为肉盾亚乌拉所指挥的魔兽们,可以说是最合适的吧。最糟糕的场合只要将魔兽作为弃子,和亚乌拉一起逃就行了。然后有着最高级别个人战斗能力的夏提雅在的话,也能够成为应对强敌的杀手锏吧。而且就个人而言,也有想要启用夏提雅的理由。 He should have brought Mare along instead, considering that he might be facing an army. However, if they encountered a player, their priority would be retreat and not exterminating the enemy. Thus, he would leave Mare behind this time around. 考虑到对方是大军的情况,本来也应该带马雷去的才是。不过在遭遇到玩家情况下,最优先事项是撤退而非歼敌。所以这次就把他留下好了。