Now, my buddy Future happens to be an honest-to-goodness poet. He has amazing text conversations with women that curl their toes and make them fall in love with him through their blackberries. He also spends hours composing his text messages and has an annoying habit of reading them to me as if it were a Shakespearean sonnet. But Future likes texting women, and that’s why he puts a lot more effort into it than I will ever do. But you, on the other hand, you are probably not a poet. Do you love the movie Twilight? If no, you’re probably not a fourteen-year-old girl either. That means you’re a coward, and you’ve been wasting some poor woman’s time by texting her while lacking the balls to actually call her up and move the relationship forward. The purpose of talking to a woman on the phone, from a strictly game perspective, is to first, make her feel comfortable with meeting you in person again, and once that is achieved, to coax her out of her apartment and into some scenario where you can look cool in front of her and have a chance of bringing her back to your place. And here lies the rub; texting is mostly useless at making a woman feel more comfortable with you. Unless you’re writing really intelligent and thoughtful texts, like Future does, you’re probably not creating any comfort at all. Actually, the more you appear on her cellphone as words on a screen, the more you are going to seem like one of those annoying acquaintances that always forwards you chain letters or that stupid talking paperclip from Microsoft Office.