#statistic #deposited #leaders #paid :chart_with_upwards_trend: The Platform statistic for the past 24 hours of 22.09.2016 :heavy_plus_sign: Deposited today: $721015 :heavy_minus_sign: Paid today: $443502.89 ☄ Infinity reinvest: $39843 :dollar: Top 3 investors today: 1 place: $40000.00 from @Leon 2 place: $30000.00 from @Felipe 3 place: $20000.00 from @Helibert :moneybag: Top 3 leaders get paid: 1 place: @Castavara received $15480.00 2 place: @Helibert received $5250.00 3 place: @agodiva received $4680.00 :mega: Top 3 team-builders: 1 place: @Sadoon referred 1 new teammates on $30000 2 place: @. referred 1 new teammates on $5000 3 place: @Trang referred 1 new teammates on $5000 :battery: Total funds deposited: $16786501.61 :busts_in_silhouette: Active investors: 60137 +2052 :rocket: Lifetime: 97 days online register link http://tinyurl.com/love-lara