For the sake of simplicity, I'll make this short. I've earned and continue to earn money online through various websites. A discontinued website was (it no longer exists as I took it down as of late 2007) as I became unhappy with tricking and pretty much scamming people out of money (it's legal but not very ethical). I also ran a world of warcraft gold farming website (also down) but Blizzard began cracking down on gold sellers, so I didn't want to waste any more time maintaining a non-income producing website. I would like to tell you how much adsense I earned but it is against the terms of service to reveal how much you earn (it's not highly enforced but I'm not risking getting banned). I did however, earn about $2000 in 2007 alone generating Clickbank sales. Commission Junction, well it's still new to me as I generally enjoy dealing with digital only products (not that CJ doesn't have them). So, after a haitus and starting up a totally different website dealing with my first love, video games, I've decided to actually make a real change in my life and focus on YOU, the reader. If I was willing to spend hundreds of dollars and time buying stuff that really didn't work or called for unethical practices, it would have been better to buy investments, which I now also do. I also found out that past all the hype and marketing mumbo-jumbo, you really could get things done for free, and in a fairly decent quality, FOR NO MONEY. Stocks, equities, forex, commodities, futures, are all legitimate (albeit RISKY as hell) instruments of producing wealth. You know the most famous person to do this is Warren Buffett. He says a great many things about how to invest properly, but I think the most important one is this: BE PATIENT Fortunes are made and lost because of that get-rich-quick emotion, and I know we've all had it, and in truth, it will never leave you. But you can control it, and bridle it in a way that will not devastate you, your finances, and life. It also applies to turnkey websites because if you are too emotionally desperate for money, it could blind you to reality, making you think a certain "niche" or keyword is too good or bad, when in fact, it's the opposite. Now, there's nothing wrong with being desperate for money, or wanting to generate an automated income, but try to not let it dictate *all* the terms of your life. See, notice I don't want to be pushy and tell you to buy *this and that* crap like so many other sites! Ok, so on to... basics!