❤Bringing up sex on first date ❤ Click here: http://nmakabsigi.fastdownloadcloud.ru/dt?s=YToyOntzOjc6InJlZmVyZXIiO3M6MjE6Imh0dHA6Ly9iaXRiaW4uaXQyX2R0LyI7czozOiJrZXkiO3M6Mjk6IkJyaW5naW5nIHVwIHNleCBvbiBmaXJzdCBkYXRlIjt9 That logic is nutty, and I have no idea if it makes sense from your perspective. Chances are, if I wasn't feeling a mental connection, we weren't going on a second date or having sex anyway, and I probably already faked an emergency to get out of dodge. You also want to adjust the table and chairs so you can easily slip out and give her a hug so that her first impression of you is not you awkwardly struggling to stand up. It's almost like going to a job interview and not talking about your previous work experiences. Trying to form that bond after spending a few hours with someone is impossible. I'm that guy that my friends confide in because I'm really easy to talk to. I always try to avoid alcohol dates but I will go to a bar if the girl insists. They're not waiting because they're worried about what other people think or because they're trying to solo classy. For something more casual or unique, consider bringing a small stuffed animal or baked treat. As a guy, there's something about being with someone who's so bringing up sex on first date — and it's something you feel immediately, so yes, sex on the first night is okay … with the ring woman. If they do it in a clever way, though, more power to them and I will join in. I'm truly glad I keep finding them. Trust us, it will probably be worth the wait. He has no real income car or bachelor pad. If you have health conditions that require you to avoid estrogen, you should search for a pill that is made only of progestin. If she looks relaxed and turned on then you can get started right away by pushing her up against the wall and kissing her, grinding, rubbing her servile, all that fun stuff. I don't feel like on the first night will challenge, or compromise, what happens afterward. They have no business knowing it on the first date. - Nothing wrong with that. These tactics have been refined to a science over the last decade and a half and I promise you guys, this shit is for real. The first date is a crucial aspect of your sex life and I want you guys to have all the tools you need. As far as screening a girl for being DTF prior to the date I will do this because I can easily a lot of prospects and can afford to burn leads. If you have time you want to make sure you can shit, shower and shave. When shaving make sure your pubic area and nose hairs are cleanly trimmed as well. Every single girl will use your washroom within the first 15 minutes of getting back to your place. Instead of using booze to relax, which will fuck up your sex cardio, is a great alternative to take the edge off and will much more intense. Your Frame For The Date You want to come across as relaxed, charming, confident, polite and most importantly, normal. Your Clothes For The Date By the time she shows up you should be freshly showered, groomed and in nice clean clothes. As with anything else in life, first impressions mean everything. If you have a nice body, you should wear a tight t-shirt or sweater. Check out my fashion guide here for more ideas. If the girl is tall I will wear my boots, which give me an extra inch and a half. For you shorter guys I would suggest the same thing. One thing you should avoid if you can is wearing socks. There is no graceful way to take your socks off and you want your transition to sex to be as smooth as possible. Setting Up The first thing you need to do as far as setting up goes is make sure that your place is clean, especially your bathroom. This gives you enough time to get your drink and find a comfortable table away from other humans that faces the door. You also want to adjust the table and chairs so you can easily slip out and give her a hug so that her first impression of you is not you awkwardly struggling to stand up. On a coffee date, if you have a rare unicorn who gets there on time you can buy her a coffee or whatever she wants. For the average girl who shows up late, let her get up and get her own drink while you message other girls on Tinder. Definitely do not go back, wait in line and pay again for a girl who showed up late. I always try to avoid alcohol dates but I will go to a bar if the girl insists. Coffee dates are a better setup than drink dates for a few reasons. From just two or three drinks my sex cardio is down to about 80 percent. This will immediately put her at ease, all women are insecure about their looks. This is how you lead with polite dominance. Everyone wants to do business with a winner. The easiest way to make a girl feel comfortable is to get her engaged and talking about herself. You do that by asking her questions. I use a ton of questions, there is no topic girls like more than talking about themselves. I try to do as little talking as possible. Your goal should be to never break rapport or outright contradict what she says. Even light teasing is still part of rapport. Sex is the ultimate rapport, so you should start building up to that from the second you meet her. You should always be leading the action and if a girl starts on a negative topic you need to steer her back to positive things. Hey, I forgot to ask, how was that art exhibit you went to this weekend? You can ask her what she likes to do for fun or what kind of music she listens to. Just repeat the question and vibe loop until she asks about you. When or if she asks about you, you should have a couple of cool, normal hobbies you do. I use the gym and hot yoga. Make sure your hobbies are relatable to her. You can talk about yourself for a bit but you always want to flip it back to her. People feel most comfortable when they have an attentive audience. I learned this in. Asking Her To Leave This is where the rubber meets the road. There is no perfect time to ask her home with you, your best bet is to ask her to leave when you think she feels comfortable. This can be anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour depending on how relaxed she is. That means you deliver it with a neutral, casual tone as opposed to an upwards inflection like you normally would with a question. This is a very important distinction, if you ask her if she wants to come over it makes it much easier for her to say no because your question gives her permission to say no. As we covered before, this is especially important for the elevator ride in your building and walking down the hallway to your door, as these are the two biggest moments where girls go through state changes. If she sees you upset the chances of you getting her to come over in the future are 0%, also and more importantly is to not show weakness. I always keep an extra hanger next to my jackets for this exact reason. You should also take off your shoes and get her to take hers off as well. Now you have one less piece of clothing to take off. If she looks relaxed and turned on then you can get started right away by pushing her up against the wall and kissing her, grinding, rubbing her pussy, all that fun stuff. In situations like this you can lead her back to the bedroom or just fuck her up against the wall. Usually it should take at most an hour for her to get comfortable enough to fuck. If you have a one bedroom or a house, just lead her straight into the bedroom. Just go back into the question and vibe loop again until she starts to open up. When she gets comfortable enough just tell her to come sit next to you. Kiss her for a few minutes to get her comfortable before you let your hands roam. If she stops you or moves your hand at any point, just give it about five minutes and try again. At another five minutes in you can take her shirt off and yours at the same time. Kiss her and give her close body contact for another five minutes, not only is she going to get wetter but it will also get her to release the bonding hormone oxytocin which will relax her. Even girls that are into hardcore rough sex still appreciate this kind of foreplay. Rub her clit outside of her pants before you reach your hand inside, she should be dripping wet at this point. Rub her clit for awhile under her pants before you take them off, let her build up the desire to fuck you. Most girls will help you by wriggling a bit. Give it a few more minutes of rubbing your cock against her pussy while you make out. Then reach down next to your bed, grab the condom, slide inside and enjoy. To delve deeper into how to dominate in the bedroom, checkout my sex guides to learn how to , and. Also, make sure that if you do end up drinking that you cut it after two drinks max. You want her sober and completely accountable for her actions. Join The Revolution Subscribe now and get instant access to the latest, cutting edge tips on mind, body, spirit, money, women and lifestyle. And as an added bonus you also get a free chapter from each of my four books: How To Get Organized, How To Sell, How To Fuck Women Properly and How To Get Laid On Tinder. Just enter your email below and step your game up today. Hi Will great article! I was wondering how do you handle a conversation where she gives mostly short answers? Do you insist with more questions? To see exactly how to do it check out the lay on the Brazilian girl in my book. As far as the advice your talking about, you need to disregard a lot of the PUA stuff, its written by internet alphas on what they theorize is the best way to get girls, my stuff is pure experience. Your goal for the date is really just to be charming, make her feel comfortable with fucking you and build on your verbals with some slight sexual tension. Let me know if that makes sense to you. Just shoot me an email at the address in the book. Because if you did, then you would have pulled the same day or set up a meet at your place right? In what scenarios would you ever not do hardcore screening during day game? Do you just pussy out on the really hot ones, or is this mainly referring to people using basic guy game? I know this is a ton of questions and would be very grateful if you could clear up my confusion, thanks. I wanted to put that in their so guys know how quick you can escalate when a girl is ready to go. My style is simply to not engage. So say we had non definite plans for a Thursday because something might get in the way of our schedule and we made them on a Monday. On that Monday she will txt reach out first and I will then ask her to come over or out or whatever for that Thursday. Then from then on she has to initiate. There is no initiating. Almost like I forgot. I literally have txts of girls where our last convo was over 2 weeks ago, and then they reengage weeks later. My assholeness is just in not being like every other guy out there making them laugh over txt and more or less simply just finding out when they are free. But they have to reach out to me out of the blue. Moving out very soon though and actually around a city. But yeah, currently I average one new bang about every 3 weeks. Good for gf material though I suppose. Keep up the great posts! I might do that. I tried AFF for a month, I would say its 30% bots, 30% older women, 30% BBW and maybe 10% women I would be interested. It also has way less women in general compared to dating sites. With that said you should be in good shape for online, if not jacked at least lean. Women are just spoiled by the amount of options. In your experience which method is better or does it just depend on the situation with the girl your with? Fast escalation or slow, Will? I do most of it already but it got clear to me now that probably I am not polite enough which destroyed me some good opportunities in the past, both one-off and repeat biz. As I am almost your age I would like to know how old your girls are on average? I prefer early twenties but find them a lot harder to close fast than the older ones. Not saying no but jus being unavailable or busy. But every chick hers in contact with wants to fuck him. He has no real income car or bachelor pad. I wanna kno wtf is he telling these bitches.? I like your writing method, very clear, rich and instructive, already considering buying your ebook, keep it up! What you can do is sit on the bed resting your back on the headboard with your legs stretched out, while giving her room to sit down, or recline a bit back. Can tell her, come here relax and pat the bed with a light smile. Maybe a better option though is just getting a blowjob from her instead of going all the way and if so how to I get her to want to blow me? I would like to get your thoughts on this and maybe help me out a bit. Subscribe now and get a free chapter from each of my four books: How To Get Organized, How To Sell, How To Fuck Women Properly and How To Get Laid On Tinder. Plus you also get instant access to my latest tips on mind, body, spirit, money, women and lifestyle. Just enter your email below.