How Do I Create a website that makes money ? 1. The Advertisement on the website It is a step that is often used by bloggers to generate extra money through blog / website , that we have a website then we can put an ad on the Web , either banner or a product we can also be publisher of a PPC Advertising , Google adsense and others. 2. affiliate marketing Affiliate marketing you as a bridge or sell goods or services created others so that you can commission from it . The biggest challenge of making money through affiliate marketing is how to make a good promotion is to foster interest in the reader to buy through your website . 3. Sell ​​their own products through the website For those who own a business , then pruduk or services at this time the website is very necessary as well , for those who have a shop , please create such online store that accepts reservations from anywhere , and for those who have a particular expertise or specific knowledge , expertise pal please offer services through website that you have , if there is a read or are interested then definitely will immediately contact you , such as website creation services or other .