BITCOIN SPEECH NOTES: Introduction: -Why I invested in Bitcoin -Years ago, I knew about Bitcoin, but I still didn’t buy in -I researched Bitcoin and learned a little about coding so I could understand how it works -End product: Android App (fact of the day) Body: -Thesis -Bitcoin -Miner, Bitcoin Address, Private Keys, Transaction Fees, Block Chain, Volatility, Practical Use -See Power point -Android Application -Web Coding -Bitcoin Integration, QR code using Google Data Server -OOP, PHP, server-side coding, etc. Java -Making the App -Server Side Coding -Client Side (Android programming, java) -Time: 30 hours, cost: domain, google developers, etc. -Never before programmed in java, released android application, bitcoin integration -Skills involved -Problems: Android formatting, AdMob integration, server-hosting issues, javascript -What I learned -I don’t want to be a programmer -I learned about myself…time management, etc. -What would I change? Nothing… -Intent to do with this knowledge…coding background is useful for many scenarios Conclusion: -Reiterate