Paste this to your homophobic classmates: (Written by sold-my-soul-on-ebay) Can we stop using ‘gay’ as an insult? It isn't. It’s a sexuality. I’m going to assume that the majority of us are straight. How would you feel if someone thought something was silly or stupid and said “that’s so straight?” It sounds pretty stupid if you think about it. Same goes for calling something gay. It doesn't work like that. People think that it’s okay to make sexist, racist or homophobic jokes or comments, as long as it works in their favor. But as soon as the comment is degrading a quality that applies to the same person, oh no, you shouldn't be saying that. It’s rude! It upsets and-or offends me! Guess what? It isn't just you that gets offended at those comments. Do you know what goes through my mind when you guys call something “gay” in a disgusted manner? I feel like I will never be fully accepted by my peers. That’s a really terrible feeling to have. So how about we think twice before we make a sexist, racist or homophobic comment. It does hurt, and it doesn't matter if you’re joking or not. Just because what you say doesn't degrade you doesn't mean it’s totally cool to say it.