99 Exclusive Dating Secret For Men Part I So, here are my 99 rules for dating. Please note, this applies to men dating women for long term relationships and trying to find Ms.Right. 1. You can NOT get back with your ex. Don't try it. It ended for a reason. 2. When you get a girls phone number, wait 5-9 days. This shows challenge. 3. The 3 main characteristics you need are confidence, self control, and challenge. 4. If a girl breaks a date with you within the first 2 months of dating, flush that number down the toilet. If she says she needs to "pack for vacation", she is lying. If she wanted to be with you, don't you think she's skip packing for an hour to go on a date? 5. Girls can not say "no" to your face. You will get a million excuses of why she can't give you her number or why she can't be with you. If she makes excuses, forget her. 6. A girl's interest level goes anywhere from 0-100%. A girl who has 51% interest level or higher cannot break a date with you, will not cheat on you, and wants to be with you. Once it drops to 49%, you are done. It cannot be raised again. Even with challenge. 7. Don't be the "nice guy" or the "jerk". Be a gentleman. Open doors for her, pull out her chair, but don't declare your undying love to her or treat her like trash. 8. Throw the word "Love" out of your vocabulary. Save it for when you're in deep trouble. It's your ace in your pocket. Too many guys throw this word around and then it means nothing. If she says she loves you, just respond in something light and funny, and sow her you love it back. Just don't say it. 9. Closely resembling to number 8, show her you love her through affection and caring. Just don't overdo it. Have self control. 10. Don't give her gifts in the first 2 months, or rarely ever. If she is a mercenary (gold digger) she will love this and stay with you. A mercenary won't stick around if you don't give her gifts, and you don't want her anyway then.