hello guyes here i am going to post a method by which you can earn bitcoin without mining just click on the link and complete the registration and start earning First: create a bitcoin wallet here: http://adf.ly/bGXKb second: Register: http://adf.ly/b8I5T you can earn more bitcoin then click on multiply bitcoin can set thePAYOUT MULTIPLIER on 49X press ctrl+shift+j (f12) and past the given code in the console and do not close the tab It continuously increase the bit coins for best work use crome browser var minValue=1E-8,maxLoss=10000000000000,aimedProfit=10,maxOps=500 000000000000,endResult=0,ops=0,bet=function(a,b,c) {$.get("?op=double_your_btc&m="+(b?"lo":"hi")+"&st ake="+a+"&multiplier=2&jackpot=0",function(d){d=d. split(":");$("#balance").html(d[3]);c(a,b,"w"===d[1])})},martingale=function(a,b,c){c||a>=maxLoss&&0!= =maxLoss?(b=!b,newValue=minValue):newValue=2*a;end Result=c?endResult+a:endResult-a;console.log((c?"+":"-")+a);ops++;(ops