make sure you run these in order! 1. (fixing device not managed in the top right under internet IF you have this problem) go to computer - file system etc/Networkmanager/networkmanager.conf right click networkmanager.conf an open with leafpad and change managed=false to manage=true then save. for these changes to take effect open a terminal an run this command service network-manager restart 2.ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT THINGS! update your sources.list file if you dont update it you will encounter MAD problems with kali an it will drive you fucking insane trying to fix it not knowing its right in your source file. ok so first off you want to go to home folder - file system etc/apt/sources.list right click an open it with leafpad ok so once in the sources.list file you want to replace EVERYTHING with the updated list i have posted here (MAKE SURE YOU COPY THE RAW PASTE DATA ON THE VERY BOTTOM) make sure it looks EXACTLY LIKE MINE so you dont fuck anything up. got the fix from official kali website- 3.UPDATE KALI YOU MUST DO THIS! heres the commands open a terminal an run these apt-get upgrade && apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade (the command above does everything at once below you can do it manually running these in order) apt-get update apt-get upgrade apt-get dist-upgrade 4. 32bit support (adds lib files) (so you can use 32bit programs DEFINTLEY DO THIS!) dpkg --add-architecture i386 apt-get update apt-get install ia32-libs if fails to install an you get error try this apt-get install -f ia32-libs (-f means force) 5.INSTALL WINE here is what it is an how to install it Wine lets you run Windows software on other operation systems. With Wine, you can install and run these applications just like you would in Windows. (DOESNT WORK WITH ALL .EXE FILES!) (most programs on kali you have to manually install an is VERYY important you learn how to do that so you can get programs like skype an everything else you would use on windows) apt-get update apt-get install wine:i386 (YOUR DONE WITH THE BASICS!) heres another tut if you need it- NOW the rest is up to you PLEASE google EVERYTHINGGG i cant even begin to tell you how important it is to google questions you might have like for example how to install skype on kalilinux an if you get a error trying to install something or use something GOOGLE THE DAMN ERROR! AN DONT STOP UNTIL YOU HAVE IT FIXED kali WILL most defintley increase your problem solving skills an make you a smarter person! the key to learning kali or linux in general is GOOGLE google will become your best friend that i can promise try and understand the commands an what they mean in kali or you will never fully learn kali google a command to learn what it means in kali please guys just do that im talking from experience. thanks guys an please remember everyone has been in your shoes when first using kali imSoGettingBANNED out PEACE