II. Installation II.I Install GetDataBack The hard work is behind you. Now that you've set up your Recovery Computer, download the free demo version of GetDataBack from our website. There are two versions: GetDataBack for FAT recovers data from FAT-formatted drives, GetDataBack for NTFS recovers data from NTFS-formatted drives. If you don't know whether your drive was FAT or NTFS, here's a little guide which product you need: If the Operating System on your "problem" drive was Windows 95, 98, ME or you are dealing with a Compact Flash Card, USB-Stick, an external drive which you never formatted or a floppy disk, the file system is most likely FAT and you'll need GetDataBack for FAT. If the Operating System was Windows NT, 2000 or XP the file system probably was NT and you'll need to use GetDataBack for NTFS. Please note: XP uses both file systems, so with XP it can be both FAT or NTFS. Drives larger than 32 GB are NTFS most of the time. If you're still not sure which version you need: It doesn't hurt just to try either GetDataBack for FAT or NTFS, you're not going to damage anything by using the wrong version. If after the scan in Step 2 of the software you don't see any useful file system entries, simply start over and try the other version. Install GetDataBack on the Master/Boot (C:) drive of your Recovery Computer.