96. Act Of Faith And Adoration Before Holy Communion # 1 My good Jesus, I believe with a firm and lively faith that in this adorable sacrament are Thy body and blood, soul and divinity. I believe that in this consecrated Host I shall receive that same body which was born of the most pure Virgin Mary in Bethlehem, which suffered so many pains and torments for love of me on the Way of the Cross and on Calvary, and which rose gloriously the third day from the dead. I believe that I shall receive God Himself. I adore Thee, O my God, as my Creator, my Preserver, my Redeemer, and my Judge, truly present in the Holy Eucharist. Divine Host, I adore Thee with the angels who fill the sanctuary and hover over the tabernacle as they hovered over the cave of Bethlehem in the Holy Night; I adore Thee, my God, with the Blessed Virgin, and in union with all the saints. Lord and Master of the universe, Who hast fixed Thy dwelling amongst men, I adore Thee with profound gratitude. O my Jesus, bless this temple wherein Thou residest, but still more the heart that I offer Thee as a living abode and place of rest. Deign ever to inhabit it by Thy grace and Thy love, and may my sins never banish Thee from it! Lord, I have a firm faith, but do Thou strengthen my faith, and animate it so that it may produce in my soul deeper sentiments of adoration and love. Good Lord, increase my faith that I may love Thee more, and be more generous in my sacrifices for love of Thee and for the love of my neighbours. Amen.