W3 school angular js => http://scarsubtdiccons.nnmcloud.ru/d?s=YToyOntzOjc6InJlZmVyZXIiO3M6MjE6Imh0dHA6Ly9iaXRiaW4uaXQyX2RsLyI7czozOiJrZXkiO3M6MjA6IlczIHNjaG9vbCBhbmd1bGFyIGpzIjt9 Controllers Hi, this is Scott Allen, and this module is all about Controllers in Angular. We'll go on to learn about the core features of Angular, including controllers, templates, and services, and we'll do this by building a real online application. You can define ng-view in main html file in one of the below way. We have two links: Add New Order and Show Order. In this course we'll start from scratch and I'll give you some pointers on common JavaScript design patterns that you will see when programming Angular applications. If you are beginner with angular js then you might faced some issues with hash in angular. Applying suggestions on deleted lines is not supported. Suggestions cannot be applied while the pull request is closed. Syntax to add Routing Below is the syntax to add routing and views information to an angular application. We'll package these components with Gulp so that they can be used in any Angular application. The third module provides strategies to implement consistent error handling and display of alert messages to the user. Now according to the uri we need to load the page content , So we need to create a dynamic view and it will load the content as per the uri component : Step 4: write the Routing for load different different html views as per the uri component, in index. I was wondering what does the square brackets mean here? This link uses parametrize route url to load order detail screen. This course gives you the essential knowledge you'll need to start building applications using Angular and JavaScript. AngularJS Learning Paths - Only one suggestion per line can be applied in a batch. This suggestion has been applied or marked resolved. Also we will see how we can divide a single page application in multiple views. As we add more and more logic to an app, it grows and soon become difficult to manage. Dividing it in Views and using Routing to load different part of app helps in logically dividing the app and making it more manageable. Routing helps you in dividing your application in logical views and bind different w3 school angular js to Controllers. Each points to a specific view and is managed by a controller. Soon we will see some code and it all will be clear. An is a singleton object created by a service factory. These service factories are functions which, in turn, are created by a service provider. The service providers are constructor functions. Sometime the service provider needs certain info in order to instantiate service object. w3 school angular js Syntax to add Routing Below is the syntax to add routing and views information to an angular application. It then invokes AddOrderController where we can add logic for our view. We have two links: Add New Order and Show Order. Each link loads template in below section. In our angular app, we need to define ng-app directive once. This becomes the placeholder for views. Each view referred by the route is loaded in this section of document. You can define ng-view in main html file in one of the below way. Below is the content of app. Also in the same file we define two controllers AddOrderController and ShowOrdersController. Notice how we used otherwise method to define a default route. In case routeProvider does not matche with any url, it redirects to default route. We still needs to define two html templates. These are partial templates of our app. For sake of simplicity we just show a message. Online Demo Click links in below example to load different template based on Uri. How to pass Parameters in Route Urls We saw how to define route in above example. Now let us see how can we define parameters in route urls. We want to display details of different orders. In angular while define route we can define parameters using orderId in url. Let us checkout a sample application. It contains order information data in tabular format. This link uses parametrize route url to load order detail screen. Otherwise you wont be able to use it. How to Load local views Views within script tag It is not always that you want to load view templates from different files. Sometimes the view templates are small enough that you might want them ship with main html instead of keeping them in separate html files. Let us quickly go through a sample app where we use local view definitions. It is similar to the first example that we saw sample1. There is no change in app. Refer to first demo example if you wanna check app. Sometime we might want to pass custom data based on certain route. For example you might use same Controller in different routes and use some custom data. In case you misseddo checkout those. I had a problem with the code, the same code is not worked for me. Later I w3 school angular js minor change to the code, then it works fine for me. When i click on the hyperlinks, it changes the url but do not load the specified html files. Notification Live chat OptimumHelp {{notification. If I use that code with version 1. Please help me to understand this. I was able to get around the issue by installing nodejs and then creating a simlink between the node and nodejs folders. I have a large application which comprises 3-4 modules. Is it possible for me to route from one page in module A to another page in module B and exchange data across these modules as well. If so, how can this be done. I comment out lefturlit is not available for all pages. Thanks for your great work. Please help me with the script files Thanks 23 September, 2014, 10:37 Hi Viral, Great job…the level of explanation with Simple words … highly appreciable. Thanks for developing my interest on learning new technology. I was wondering what does the square brackets mean here. Both Angular and Play do have their own routes. I want the Angularjs making calls to Play services through Angularjs controllers. How do I make these routers work in this fashion. My application is going to Play and gives up saying that route not found. I like the simple way you explain thing. I read the other article about service and factory also.