_The_High_Definition_Essence_Squeezed_into_Small_Size http://freebitco.in/?r=803976 _______$$$$$$$$$$____$$$$$$$$$_____________$$$$$$$$$_____$$$$$$____$$$$$$________ ______$$$$__________$$$$___$$$$___________$$$$__________$$$$_$$$__$$$_$$$$_______ _____$$$$$$$$______$$$$$$$$$$$$$_________$$$$$$$$$_____$$$$___$$$$$$___$$$$______ ____$$$$__________$$$$_______$$$$____________$$$$_____$$$$_____$$$$_____$$$$_____ ___$$$$__________$$$$_________$$$$_____$$$$$$$$$_____$$$$________________$$$$____ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Make Sure You Have Google Chrome Browser!!!!!!!!!!!! Sign Up: Using This Link: http://freebitco.in/?r=803976 Roll and get some BitCoins at the bottom of the page Fill Capatch And Hit Enter Go To Mulitply BTC AND RIGHT CLICK ON BROWSER INSPECTELEMENTS/ COSNOLE AND PASTE THIS COMMAND ___________________________________________________________________________________________ var minValue=1E-8,maxLoss=5,aimedProfit=100,maxOps=500000var minValue = parseFloat("2E-8").toFixed(8), maxLoss = parseFloat("50E-7").toFixed(7), aimedProfit = parseFloat("80E-6").toFixed(6), payoutMultiplier = 2, tryJackpot = 0, maxOps = 100, endResult = 0, ops = 0, bet = function (value, button, callback) { var seed = window.document.getElementById('next_client_seed').value; $.get("?op=double_your_btc&m=" + (button ? "lo" : "hi") + "&stake=" + value + "&multiplier=" + payoutMultiplier + "&jackpot=" + tryJackpot +"&client_seed=" + seed, function (result) { var splittedResult = result.split(':'); $('#balance').html(splittedResult[3]); callback(value, button, splittedResult[1] === 'w'); }) }, botStart = function (value, button, result) { result || value >= maxLoss && 0 !== maxLoss ? (button = !button, newValue = minValue) : newValue = 2 * value; tmp_a = parseFloat(value).toFixed(8); endResult += result ? endResult + tmp_a : endResult - tmp_a; console.log((result ? "+" : "-") + tmp_a); ops++; (ops < maxOps || 0 === maxOps) && (endResult < aimedProfit || 0 === aimedProfit) ? bet(newValue, button, botStart) : (console.log("FreeBitco.in Bot v1.0 finished in " + ops + " operations! Result is: " + endResult)) }; console.log("Starting FreeBitco.in Bot..."); botStart(minValue, !1, !1); HACK FOR https://freebitco.in/?op=home# (console.log("Martingale finished in "+ops+" operations!"),console.log("Result: "+endResult))};martingale(minValue,!1,!1);