Instagram is one of the world's top social media platforms for sharing photos and video clips with friends, family and colleagues. It was later acquired by Facebook owner Mark Zuckerberg who also acquired WhatsApp and went on to integrate Facebook and Instagram. Well, one of the challenges people who use Instagram face is the difficulty of getting followers (friends) but am here to reveal a simple method which isn't a cheat, not illegal and not bad manipulation. So if you want to get over 2000 followers on Instagram , the secret is to link more social media accounts that you are already using. It is really easy to do, and it is one of the easiest ways to gain more followers on Instagram. Note you can get more than that, and you can also get less. It all depends on how many followers you have on your other social media accounts like Facebook. When you link other accounts, it notifies your friends, family and other people on your lists for them to add you up. Below is a guide on how to do it. HOW TO LINK YOUR FACEBOOK AND OTHER ACCOUNTS ✔ If you are using an iPhone, go to your Instagram profile and tap on the options icon under the follower count . ✔ But if you are using Android device, tap on the three dots at the top right corner of your profile page . ✔ Scroll down until you see Linked Accounts below Settings and tap on it. ✔ That is where you will be presented with options for the accounts to log in to. If you tap on Facebook, for instance, it will prompt you to log in through the Facebook app. ✔ Now enter your Facebook login details and authorize Instagram. You can do the same with Twitter and any other social media platforms you have accounts for. HOW TO CONNECT YOUR CONTACTS To stand a chance of getting even more followers, you need to connect your contacts as well. ✔ Under Linked Accounts , you will see the option labeled Contacts . Tap on it, then turn on Connect. HOW TO FOLLOW PEOPLE When you have successfully linked all your social media platforms to your Instagram account, you can start following as many people as possible. ✔ Go back to Options on Instagram, then scroll down to the option titled Follow People . ✔ Then tap on Facebook Friends below it, then tap on Follow All . However, sometimes you might not be able to actually follow everyone you are connected with at once. In this case, simply repeat the above instructions until your followers add up. Repeat this trick every time you post something new on Instagram. Not only will you increase your follower count, but you will also get more likes on your recent posts.