BITBILLIONS EARN THOUSANDS MONTHLY. You can be a free member and you can still Earn Money, Upgrade to a Co-Founder and earn Much more. Free Members earn from one pool, members pool. and earn 30% commisions from co-founder upgrades, on other earning sources, 20% comissions from direct referrals, 10% on second, and 5% on the third and lower dowline levels. Co-Founder earn from Co-Founder Pool and Members pool. Co-Founders Earn 40% Comissions on co-founder upgrades, on other earning sources, 20% comissions from direct referrals, 10% on second, and 5% on the third and lower dowline levels. And Co-Founders Can resale their accounts (Bitbillions estimated monthly earnings) $ 238,695.72 (Estimated Future Co-Founder Account Value) we predict a Co-Founder could generate $ 70,093.65 USD per year worth of Bitcoins, IF they achieve ALL of the following: Entirely filled Matrix genealogy At least 50% active members in down-line 100 personally sponsored referrals Maximum points each month Things to do: 1. SIGN UP ( and upgrade if possible, co-founders earn more. (Co-Founders positions are limited, we will move to the matrix stage when all the co-founder positions were taken. 2. (IMPORTANT) Get Maximum Points from the Four sites; Mybitcoinrewards,Bitfeud,IwantaCar and Faucet. On MybitcoinRewards your points can be used on the MONTHLY raffle, 0.1 btc 0.2 btc and 0.3 btc. On Faucet, Each point = 0.00000020 btc. on IwantaCar, your points can be used on the raffle for a $25,000 car, $50,000 car and $100,000 car. and On bitfeud, You can Buy half Priced bitcoin, ie. 0.01000000 for 0.00500000. You can see your GBBG points on your Bitbillions Dashboard. When you upgrade your account on this Four sites, you can place your ads and GBBG members will click your ads for points and you can Earn from your referral upgrades too. The upgrade on these sites can be paid for 1 month, 3 months , 6 months or 1 year. Here is the Point value for all member Points Data Point Value Founders 0.00000096 btc each point Co-Founders 0.00000035 btc each point All Members 0.00000056 btc each point You can also earn from your referrals points,Check out the Compensation plan for more details 3.REFER PEOPLE AND EARN COMMISSIONS - the more you refer, the more you can Earn. More Bitcoin Earning sites PLEASE CONTACT ME IF YOU ARE GOING TO SIGN UP AND I WILL GIVE YOU SOMETHING GREAT #EarnFreeBitcoins #EarnFreeBtc #EarnFreeMoney #BitcoinMLM #FreeBitcoins #FreeBtc #FreeMoney #EarnMoneyOnline