Literally the fastest/easiest money you'll ever make. this is legal as well. 1) Go to this LINK >>> 2) Log in with an active email (no password) 3) Go to the "Use coupons" tab on the left 4) Use all these coupons POINTYNEWYEAR50 TWEETR562 QUANTECH3000 GOOGCOM294 FACEGROUP900 BEERMONEY3573 REDDITSUB345 SHADOW25 MIGHTYSALEH25 FACEPAGE1920 KINGY25 ICE50 FEARLESS50 DELTA100 RANKER25 POINTSPRIZES25 5) Well, now you have 500 Points, go to the "Reference Links" tab on the left. 6) Send it to as many people as you can 7) Once you get enough points for the gift card you want, buy it with the points, Use the code 8) Logout, Make a new account with another email. 9) Start at step 1 Again -steph6n from OGusers