Lady gaga shallow => I have no idea what is ahead of me, but I took the leap and I have never felt this free in my entire life. It also opened at number 16 on the before reaching number three the following week. Everyone can relate to a love song, but going from shallow to deep is something special. We are making room for our dreams to come true, whatever they may be, for the first time in our lives. Nelson used his own band, , as Jackson's band. She went on to refer to the song as a very special one. The song is performed in the key of with a moderate of 96 beats per minute in. The same week, A Star Is Born also returned to the top of the , giving Gaga and Cooper an , this being Gaga's third. She wrote it from Ally's point-of-view with the self-aware lyrics asking each other if they are content being who they are. Kudos to Gaga, Mark Ronson, Anthony Rossomando, and Andrew Wyatt, I am still picking this song apart. G Or do you need more? But you can bet that I'll be listening to this soundtrack on repeat in the meantime! Our picks for Oscar’s best original song category (and yes, Lady Gaga’s ‘Shallow’ is included) - Is this the first time that Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga have worked together? The video, which features footage from the film, in theaters Oct. Tell me somethin', girl Are you happy in this modern world. Or do you need more. Is there somethin' else you're searchin' for. I'm falling In all the good times I find myself Longin' for change And in the bad times I fear myself Tell me something, boy Aren't lady gaga shallow tired tryin' to fill that void. Or do you need more. Ain't it hard keeping it so hardcore. I'm lady gaga shallow In all the good times I find myself Longing for change And in the bad times I fear myself I'm off the deep end, watch as I dive in I'll never meet the ground Crash through the surface, where they can't hurt lady gaga shallow We're far from the shallow now In the shallow, shallow In the shallow, shallow In the shallow, shallow We're far from the shallow now Oh, oh, oh, oh Whoah. Talk about what really matters. Live your life in the deep and meaningful instead of the shallow and meaningless. General CommentThis song is emotive both melodically and lyrically. In this duet with Bradley Cooper, the singers yearn for something more and are falling—almost freefalling—in order to break through the surface veneer of happiness, due in part to the trappings of fame—because they are longing to reach a deeper place of meaning, both in their relationship and within themselves. MemoryAbout par for Lady GaGa. Saddest thing was after what many thought to be his most memorable performance Jimmy Hendrix was dead almost a year to the day later. Groups had an individual style back then. Today they all sound the same with lyrics which are just meaningless babble. I am over 60 and my older sister made sure I was fully exposed to everything rock and roll. Went over the album listings for Woodstock. Most are not very deep or meaningful. What made them meaningful for most of us was the setting, what was happening around us. Give credit where credit is due. When I heard this song in the theater, it brought tears to my eyes-and I really didn't know why. My hearing is starting to go, but something made it through to my brain. I hope she returns to this simple and deep type of song. Kudos to Gaga, Mark Ronson, Anthony Rossomando, and Andrew Wyatt, I am still picking this song apart. They've dived deeply into this life, and now they cannot go back since they have experienced all of the richness that life has to offer. But you can bet that I'll be listening to this soundtrack on repeat in the meantime. This song is absolutely fantastic. I must humbly say that I was not expecting to be moved so much by such a simple and short song. The song is set up in such a way it would be difficult to nail down a single genre to put this song into. And in a similar fashion, I think it would be difficult to nail down a singular idea of the song. General CommentA Star Is Born marks Lady Gaga's first leading role in a major motion picture, as well as her return to music. Musically, we haven't heard from her since her 2016 album Joannebut the wait was worth it. Everyone is raving about the film and the many original songs from Gaga that came with it. With the backing of audience cheers and an acoustic guitar, Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga's melody ripple chills down your spine as they sing about the urge to dive off the deep in and get away from shallow areas. For me, when I hear the song, I instantly think of my husband. He came into my life right after a heartbreak, but with just one conversation, I knew I wanted to be with him because he was different than others. The beautiful lyrics and runs from Lady Gaga rip through your core and inspire you to conquer any fears you have. Seven years later with my husband and I haven't taken even a glance back to my shallow areas of heartbreak. General CommentShallow by Lady Gaga really pulled on my heart strings for several reasons. For me, this is a song that everyone can relate to at some point in life. Change is scary, and the bad times can really make us question our own sanity. As a result, change needs to happen. Shallow takes me back to my first journey to the United Kingdom. As a writer this was a dream opportunity, but it was much more than that. The void within myself was calling for change. Life can feel shallow… It can become very mundane. People do not dream, and change is way too scary. Because I took that chance and decided to make a change, I found my soulmate. Not only that, I also found strength within myself to go for lady gaga shallow dreams and never give up. Shallow by Lady GaGa makes me reminisce about the journey I traveled not only for love, but also to find myself. Change is hard, but sometimes you have to dive in head first and get as far away from the shore as you can. This will allow you to fight your way back and hang on to the change that you find within yourself along the way. The combination of harmonies with Bradley Cooper is outstanding as well as crucial. Everyone can relate to a love song, but going from shallow to deep is something special. Even though the song is written for a movie, the emotion conveyed is strong enough to impress anyone. Everyone feels lost to some degree or has felt lost to some degree at some point in time. That lost feeling can perpetuate and take on a life of its own in the form of a truly disoriented and dissatisfied lifestyle. It is that stagnant place that we feel has complete and total control over us. We spend years searching and praying for ways to break free from it, but we never feel like breaking free is truly possible. We may not know exactly what it is we are searching for, but we know that the way we continue to live is not what is meant for us. We may have no idea what our true destinies are or what is waiting for us on the other side, but unless we jump we will never know. Our true potential will never be realized, and our lives will be a waste. The deep end is the place we reach when we take the necessary leap towards living life as the gift that it is. It is a blissful abyss where anything is possible. We have freed ourselves and have given ourselves the chance to be who we wanted to be all along. We are making room for lady gaga shallow dreams to come true, whatever they may be, for the first time in our lives. Once we do escape, we realize that we had the control to all along. The shallow truly never had a hold of us and our peace was just on the other side of a fine line that was always right in front of our faces. In the deep end, there is no looking back. I have been living in the shallows for years. This song and its message helped push me off the edge into the unknown where my destiny is waiting for me. I am swimming in the deep end now, and I have finally broken free from the lifeless routine that drained me of passion for way too long. I have no idea what is ahead of me, but I took the leap and I have never felt this free in my entire life.