I2P Servers (Old list) ---------------------- lurker.i2p bzr.welterde.i2p docs.i2p2.i2p openmusic.i2p paste.i2p2.i2p syndie.welterde.i2p www.i2p2.i2p matterhorn.i2p awxcnx.i2p directedition.i2p forum.i2p ugha.i2p bolobomb.i2p ipredia.i2p teknogods.i2p jonatan.walck.i2p medosbor.i2p colombo-bt.i2p www.i2p2.i2p (mirror?) mathiasdm.i2p privacybox.i2p Note: None of these servers have been tested by me, so I have no idea if any of them are working or not. Know any newer or find a better or newer list of I2P servers? Please email them to me: http://scr.im/starscream99 my PGP key is here: https://bitbin.it/GUvMP7vW/