Did you never feel at sunset --" "Ah, yes; but I never heard anyone else say so. Did you?" "Do you remember that line in the third canto of the 'Inferno?'" "Ah, that line -- my favorite always. Is it possible --" "You know the stooping Victory in the frieze of the Nike Apteros?" "You mean the one who is tying her sandal? Then you have noticed, too, that all Botticelli and Mantegna are dormant in those flying folds of her drapery?" "After a storm in autumn have you never seen --" "Yes, it is curious how certain flowers suggest certain painters-the perfume of the incarnation, Leonardo; that of the rose, Titian; the tuberose, Crivelli --" "I never supposed that anyone else had noticed it." "Have you never thought --" "Oh, yes, often and often; but I never dreamed that anyone else had." "But surely you must have felt --" "Oh, yes, yes; and you, too --" "How beautiful! How strange --" Their voices rose and fell, like the murmur of two fountains answering each other across a garden full of flowers. At length, with a certain tender impatience, he turned to her and said: "Love, why should we linger here? All eternity lies before us. Let us go down into that beautiful country together and make a home for ourselves on some blue hill above the shining river." As he spoke, the hand she had forgotten in his was suddenly withdrawn, and he felt that a cloud was passing over the radiance of her soul.