Function WindowSPY(WinHdl As TextBox, WinClass As TextBox, WinTxt As TextBox, WinStyle As TextBox, WinIDNum As TextBox, WinPHandle As TextBox, WinPText As TextBox, WinPClass As TextBox, WinModule As TextBox) 'Call This In A Timer Dim pt32 As POINTAPI, ptx As Long, pty As Long, sWindowText As String * 100 Dim sClassName As String * 100, hWndOver As Long, hWndParent As Long Dim sParentClassName As String * 100, wID As Long, lWindowStyle As Long Dim hInstance As Long, sParentWindowText As String * 100 Dim sModuleFileName As String * 100, r As Long Static hWndLast As Long Call GetCursorPos(pt32) ptx = pt32.X pty = pt32.Y hWndOver = WindowFromPointXY(ptx, pty) If hWndOver <> hWndLast Then hWndLast = hWndOver WinHdl.Text = "Window Handle: " & hWndOver r = GetWindowText(hWndOver, sWindowText, 100) WinTxt.Text = "Window Text: " & Left(sWindowText, r) r = GetClassName(hWndOver, sClassName, 100) WinClass.Text = "Window Class Name: " & Left(sClassName, r) lWindowStyle = GetWindowLong(hWndOver, GWL_STYLE) WinStyle.Text = "Window Style: " & lWindowStyle hWndParent = GetParent(hWndOver) If hWndParent <> 0 Then wID = GetWindowWord(hWndOver, GWW_ID) WinIDNum.Text = "Window ID Number: " & wID WinPHandle.Text = "Parent Window Handle: " & hWndParent r = GetWindowText(hWndParent, sParentWindowText, 100) WinPText.Text = "Parent Window Text: " & Left(sParentWindowText, r) r = GetClassName(hWndParent, sParentClassName, 100) WinPClass.Text = "Parent Window Class Name: " & Left(sParentClassName, r) Else WinIDNum.Text = "Window ID Number: N/A" WinPHandle.Text = "Parent Window Handle: N/A" WinPText.Text = "Parent Window Text : N/A" WinPClass.Text = "Parent Window Class Name: N/A" End If hInstance = GetWindowWord(hWndOver, GWW_HINSTANCE) r = GetModuleFileName(hInstance, sModuleFileName, 100) WinModule.Text = "Module: " & Left(sModuleFileName, r) End If End Function ****** END OF MODULE ****** 'Put this is notepad and rename is winspy.frm VERSION 5.00 Begin VB.Form Form1 BackColor=&H00000000& Caption ="Window SPY" ClientHeight=3480 ClientLeft =2280 ClientTop=1590 ClientWidth =4440 LinkTopic="Form1" ScaleHeight =3480 ScaleWidth =4440 Begin VB.Timer Timer1 Interval=10 Left=1080 Top =1560 End