Popular Diets: Milk Diet: Didn’t You Try It? Milk - this is the simplest means with which you can arrange a fasting day, losing from 0, 5 kilograms to 2 kilograms. In addition to reducing weight, milk helps cleanse blood, liver; Improves metabolism and improves skin condition. Milk tea is suitable for those who do not suffer from individual tolerance of milk, and has no other contraindications for health reasons. Similarly, milk can reduce blood pressure, which should be taken into account for people with hypotension. Arrange a fasting day for milk is best one of the days off, once a week. Milk tea optimizes the absorption of beneficial properties of milk and tea, neutralizing, at the same time, their not very useful factors. For the preparation of milk is ideally suited for green leaf tea, but, if desired, it can be replaced with black, or other mixtures of teas. Milk fits any, but it is preferable to choose milk with reduced fat content. There are two ways to prepare milk: 1. Preheat 1 liter of milk to a temperature of 70 degrees, pour 2-3 teaspoons of dry green tea into it. Insist for about 20 minutes, strain through a strainer. 2. In a teapot to brew tea in the usual way - 1 teaspoon of tea per 100 milliliters of boiling water. After insisting, dilute in a cup of milk with a ratio of 1: 1. You can drink tea in any form - cold, hot; For a day you need to drink 1.5 liters, every 2 hours for 250 milliliters. In addition to milk, it is necessary to drink drinking water without gas, up to 2 liters. Good Luck!