goes up. At least that’s how it’s been for the past half-decade or so. Put quite simply, this lack of correlation with the dollar makes Bitcoin a particularly attractive investment in an environment where all the conventional vehicles have become inflated. None of this is to suggest Bitcoin has infinite value, but after years of traditional investors channeling their inner Chicken Little, screaming that the sky is falling, the currency just keeps chugging along. The Bitcoin Horizon Will there be continued bouts of volatility for Bitcoin investors over the next several years? Absolutely, but the good news is that metric continues trending down. And as volatility continues to fall, real-world transactions will only continue to increase, as Bitcoin continues to morph from a speculative trading vehicle to a legitimate currency — a currency not backed by faith in any particular government or the collapse thereof, but by faith in technological progression. In December 2014, I wrote to Wealth Daily subscribers making the case for Bitcoin as a long-term investment after the speculativ