Basically, this a thread where people can share their test/exam experiences, rant about them, exclaim how for some, (like me), they're only a week away. To be honest, I'm stressing out, but at the same time, very relaxed. I've really not been doing much homework, but only major projects since I have other things going on as well. I've been periodically pulling all-nighters for studying for certain areas and subjects, and coffee is becoming my blood, along with some sodas. I know one shouldn't really worry about Highschool finals as much, but for some reason I feel that I'll feel really good if I get this done right. So, how are your testing weeks/months going? Got 2 research projects to do for two separate classes, as well as a group presentation for one (having to teach the class for all 2 hours) and an individual presentation for the other one. Not to mention the weekly writing assignments for both due every week (already complete 6 thus far for one and 5 for the other). Swamped with the research aspect of both - very reading intensive subjects. Without them, I'm no closer to my major, though, so may as well get these ball-busting, sleep depriving classes out of the way first. All of this is within the next 4 weeks.