function CastQ(unit) -- Prodiction -- if unit ~= nil and BrandConfig.mode == 2 and BrandConfig.combo then if Qready then local pos, info = Prodiction.GetPrediction(unit, Qrange, Qspeed, Qdelay, Qwidth) local coll = Collision(Qrange, Qspeed, Qdelay, Qwidth) if not coll:GetMinionCollision(pos, myHero) then if pos then CastSpell(_Q, pos.x, pos.z) end end end end -- VPrediction -- if unit ~= nil and BrandConfig.mode == 1 and BrandConfig.combo then if Qready then local CastPosition, HitChance, Pos = VP:GetLineCastPosition(unit, Edelay, Ewidth, Erange, Espeed, myHero, true) if HitChance >= 2 and GetDistance(CastPosition) < Qrange then CastSpell(_Q, CastPosition.x, CastPosition.z) end end end