Watch Your system"; //Kills Shany's shell
$signature[104] = "set_magic_quotes_runtime(0)"; //No legit reason for this
$signature[105] = "explink = 'http://exploit-db"; //Kills some exploit searches
$signature[106] = " reverse (login -> nigol)"; //Kills some reverse-con
$signature[107] = "perl /tmp/"; //Kills some backconnect
$signature[108] = "/ . | | __ /| ( `. | \ /"; //Kills Jiin Shell V3
$signature[109] = "Private UDP Shell"; //Kills some shells
$signature[110] = "if($check == "phptools"){"; //Kills Jiin Shell
$signature[111] = "$check = htmlspecialchars($_GET['act'])"; //Kills Jiin Shell
$signature[112] = "$fp = stream_socket_client('udp://'.$host.':80', $errno, $errstr"; //Kills Jiin Shell
$signature[113] = "__,-='=====____ ==================="; //Kills Jiin Shell V4
$signature[114] = "FSockOpen() BYPASS, Infinite Time unlock"; //Kills Jiin Shell
$signature[115] = "sauer.tuamamma"; //Kills anything containing Jiin's Skype
$signature[116] = "|_______ | \__/ | |_______ |_______ | | |"; //Kills "SMEELO" TCP Shell
$signature[117] = "This is for testing purposes only, only test TCP flooding on a server if you have permission."; //Kills "SMEELO" TCP Shell
$signature[118] = "|| .:::::' ':::::::::. ::::: ':::."; //Kills BurnerTM Shell
$signature[119] = "Burner is Very Sexy and Has Teh Best Sh3llz"; //Kills BurnerTM Shell
$signature[120] = "aZ6qstij+Eiccoun8vW0vU5ti78HTXi5zIQ10Ahupml7FbCMWBhF9Mvx/Lahu8KUY9VryYBSNdBGW7E"; //Random string from encoded shell
$signature[121] = "UsqGa3wZDHz37XVP9aTXLJK/UwPSmC1jCjKfwPKsviKcS4I/z8MSny/O7rvX+AUTFuqyJ6PUj7PjUf1"; //Random string from encoded shell
$signature[122] = "$fp = fsockopen($schema.$host, $rand"; //Kills Orgy's twBooter 1.6 leaf shell
$signature[123] = "if(isset($_GET['host'])&&is_numeric($_GET['time'])){"; //Kills Orgy's twBooter 1.6 leaf shell
$signature[124] = "$bootallowed = $row['nextboot']"; //Cripples twBooter Web 1.6, for shiggles
$signature[125] = ""; //In most booter sources based on twBooter Web 1.6
$signature[126] = "boot.php?user=' . $bootuser . '&host=' . $host . '&port=' . $port . '&time=' . $time . '&ip=' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . '&power=' . $power"; //More targetting twBooter
$signature[127] = "SELECT * FROM shells WHERE status='up'")"; //Kills twBooter Web 1.6 and ALL source rips
$signature[128] = "$sql = "DELETE FROM shells WHERE id='$del_id"; //Cripples twBooter Web 1.6's shell manager
$signature[129] = "DDoS Sent! Wait until browser refreshes"; //Kills an old webbased booter source, may kill more
$signature[130] = "$thepath = DIRNAME($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])"; //Kills same webbased source as 129
$signature[131] = "Add Shells | Manage Shells"; //Kills XBL Booter admin panel
$signature[132] = "echo "Don't even try booting my booter. Your Account has been terminated and IP logged."; //Kills XBL Booter booting page
$signature[133] = "$qry = "INSERT INTO members(firstname, login, passwd, paypal) VALUES('$fname','$login','".md5($_POST['password'])."','$email"; //Kills XBL Booter registration-processing page
$signature[134] = "$Query = "SELECT * FROM `getshells"; //Kills booters using aadster's hub
$signature[135] = "$mc = EpiCurl::getInstance()"; //Kills aadster's hub
$signature[136] = "$shell .= "?act=phptools&host={$host}&time={$time}&port={$port"; //Kills booters using aadster's hub
$signature[137] = "//POST SHELL SUPPORT"; //Kills booters using aadster's hub
$signature[138] = "~~Alb0zZ Team shell~~"; //Kills Alb0zZ Team Shell
$signature[139] = "~coded by 0x0 from Alb0zZ Team (Albanian Hacker)"; //Kills Alb0zZ Team Shell
$signature[140] = "IyEvdXNyL2Jpbi9lbnYgcGVybA0KIyBkZXZpbHpjMGRlLm9yZyAoYykgMjAxMg0KDQp1c2UgU29ja2V0Ow0KDQokcG9ydCA9IDEzMTIzOw0KDQokcHJvdG9"; //Kills Alb0zZ Team Shell
$signature[141] = "DQoJCQkJCTxoMj5EaXJlY3RvcnkgbGlzdGluZyBmb3IgXCIuJHRhcmdldC5cIjwvaDI+DQoJCQkJCTxocj48dWw"; //Kills Alb0zZ Team Shell
$signature[142] = " Alb0zZ Team | Albanian shell"; //Kills Alb0zZ Team Shell
$signature[147] = "symlink"; //Kills Alb0zZ Team Shell
$signature[148] = ""; //Kills Alb0zZ Team Shell
$signature[149] = ""; //Kills Alb0zZ Team Shell
$signature[150] = "IyBPdmVycmlkZSBkZWZhdWx0IGRlbnkgcnVsZSB0byBtYWtlIC5odGFjY2VzcyBmaWxlIGFjY2Vzc2libGUgb3ZlciB3ZWINCjxGaWxlcyB+IFwiXlxcLmh0XCI"; //Kills Alb0zZ Team Shell
$signature[151] = "Kuroakis Symlink Shell"; //Kills Kuroakis Symlink Shell
$signature[152] = "[ Upload File][ Domains / Symlink ][ Domains / Script ]"; //Kills Kuroakis Symlink Shell
$signature[153] = "target='_blank'>config";}elseif (strpos($cfig555,'200') =="; //Kills Kuroakis Symlink Shell
$signature[154] = "target='_blank'>mybb 3";}elseif (strpos($vb111,'200') =="; //Kills Kuroakis Symlink Shell
$signature[155] = "ucDOAq+lIztrU9JhTp6vgLnxspfaPDXxLvxJ0n4TLcj61O7mJSq1AT9rqNRLQnEaEz67DLBpJU4mM9l/h5ISueqXH+c4mUTaTwJ9aiZxccDe+CQzXmIz4DG9TS41U5sOm6VCRfR1l3zR5FwemJDjX7FQZAm2ZN6"; //Kills Kuroakis Symlink Shell
$signature[156] = "TPuzPtI+aiwViG4/aPcb3XgJNr0+cc4pp9o5tljMtTiqvfg4joMs1Fcyf4+2/hUudCr5INnRy9raNtofLf12SmWyCk0LUu5StToT/YHjcES19Ff+qR/QBxn01JtZMgUEjU1egTSG0sjpKc5LjlGdXZkOvMfJDN9btb70N0JBCdlLmZx6yLCoMYjVsROJh66pL2l5WNfSmyFT/tZG1aG/hrAc7woAoquiaL+w9E8+nU94UvN3u39Nv4/yQCJunN4mtnTGXWcJuWVNWgfi4"; //Kills Kuroakis Symlink Shell
$signature[157] = "l5+19gXaCe+dYidWrMqYtu07o9IZ/io2XXNBeZOUmQYiFg3U6aRhNwCRvyBzjuHBlBhf8Yu4HH84+mhATXjqfV3NyU/Jvi8+l1QmyfWwapTqE2kOiDOEr1GLBfZd3s6HaCM4I1NGppnjXuGxtxTiaAgLJDckEl8UxbykQKz+AwYI0WRixL0uw21usQG/ahRh0DAHM2lO5ifFJ0gIruoJZnUU8nCFfwoHsuRkcd8C7euzPIv6Q6QFZ7/1Gbzd3YVre"; //Kills Kuroakis Symlink Shell
$signature[158] = "* Developed exclusively for twBooter2"; //Kills twBooter2 scripts
$signature[159] = "//=========+++#root Shell+++===========//"; //Kills #root V.1 PHP Shell
$signature[160] = "FiaWxpdHkgYW5kIHNlY3VyaXR5ICBjaGVjayBvZiBhbnkgd2ViIHNlcnZlciBvciB3ZWJzaXRlLiBZb3UgY2FuIGNoZWNrIHlvdXIgV2Vic2l0ZSBhbmQgcmVtb3RlIHdlYiBzZXJ2ZXIgU2VjdXJpdHkuIFRoaXMgc2hlbGwgcHJvd"; //Kills #root V.1 PHP Shell
$signature[161] = "0ZWRpbnJlZC4gSSBsaWtlIHRvIHRoYW5rZnVsIHRvIG15IGJyb3NraWlzIDxzcGFuIGNsYXNzPSJzdHlsZTEiPkJ6ZWVSZWJlbCBhbmQgQ2xheSBFdmFuczwvc3Bhbj4gd2hvIGluc3BpcmUgYW5kIGhlbHBlZCBtZSB0byBkZXZlbG9w"; //Kills #root V.1 PHP Shell
$signature[162] = "Shell Tutorial"; //Kills #root V.1 PHP Shell
$signature[163] = "ib3JkZXItY29sb3I6IzNDM0MzQzt9DQphIHtjb2xvcjojZmZmO291dGxpbmU6bm9uZTt0ZXh0LWRlY29yYXRpb246bm9uZTt9DQphOmhvdmVye3RleH"; //Kills #root V.1 PHP Shell
$signature[164] = "CmZvbnQtc2l6ZTogMTJweDsNCn0NCi5saXsNCgljb2xvcjogIzMzQ0NDQzsNCgl0ZXh0LWRlY29yYXRpb246bm9uZTsNCglmb250LWZhbWlseTogQ291cmllciBOZXcsIENvdXJpZXIsIG1vbm9zcGFjZTsNCmZvbnQtc2l6ZTo"; //Kills #root V.1 PHP Shell
$signature[165] = "#root V.1 PHP UDP Shell"; //Kills #root V.1 PHP Shell
$signature[165] = "#root V.1 PHP Shell is a PHP Script, which is hardly detectable as malicious code created for checking the vulnerability and security check of any web server or website. You can check your Website and remote web server Security."; //Kills #root V.1 PHP Shell
$signature[166] = "aW5pX3NldCgnc2FmZV9tb2Rl"; //Base64 "ini_set('safe_mode"
$signature[167] = "aW5pX3NldCgic2FmZV9tb2Rl"; //Base64 "ini_set("safe_mode"
$signature[168] = "aW5pX3NldCgnbG9nX2Vycm9ycw=="; //Base64 "ini_set('log_errors"
$signature[169] = "aW5pX3NldCgibG9nX2Vycm9ycw=="; //Base64 "ini_set("log_errors"
$signature[170] = "aW5pX3NldCgiZGlzYWJsZV9mdW5jdGlvbnM="; //Base64 "ini_set("disable_functions"
$signature[171] = "aW5pX3NldCgnZGlzYWJsZV9mdW5jdGlvbnM="; //Base64 "ini_set('disable_functions"
$signature[172] = "else if ($_GET['type'] == "slowloris")"; //Kills twShell
$signature[173] = "else if ($_GET['type'] == "http")"; //Kills twShell
$signature[174] = "Slowloris Flood"; //Kills slowloris and leaf shells
$signature[175] = "JGZwID0gZnNvY2tvcGVuKCRzY2hlbWEuJGhvc3QsICRyYW5k"; //Base64 "$fp = fsockopen($schema.$host, $rand", kills Orgy's twBooter Web 1.6 leaf shell
$signature[176] = "RGlzYWJsZSBTYWZlIE1vZGU="; //Base64 "Disable Safe Mode"
$signature[177] = "Zmxvb2QgY29tcGxldGU="; //Base64 "flood complete"
$signature[178] = "c3RycmV2KCJlZG9jZWRfNDZlc2FiIig="; //Base64 "strrev("edoced_46esab"("
$signature[179] = "PHP Shell"; //Kills php-web-shell
$signature[180] = "guest@php-web-shell:~ $ "; //Kills php-web-shell
$signature[181] = "phpShell::execPHP($cmd);"; //Kills php-web-shell
$signature[182] = "config.php file for PHP Shell"; //Kills PHP Shell
$signature[183] = "pwhash.php file for PHP Shell"; //Kills PHP Shell
$signature[184] = "define('PHPSHELL_VERSION"; //Kills PHP Shell
$signature[185] = "
Warning: Safe-mode is enabled." //Kills PHP Shell
$signature[186] = "Phpshell running on: " //Kills PHP Shell
$signature[187] = "print("You are editing this file: " //Kills PHP Shell
$signature[188] = "" //Kills PHP Shell
$bgtime = time();
$fileCount = 0;
$infectCount = 0;
function Start($path = ".", $level = 0 ){
$ignore = array("cgi-bin", ".", "..");
$dh = @opendir($path);
while(false !== ($file = readdir($dh))){
if(!in_array($file, $ignore)){
Start("$path/$file", ($level + 1));
function scanFile($file){
global $signature, $fileCount, $infectCount;
if(filesize($file) > 5242880){
elseif($file == ".".$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]){
$file_cont = file_get_contents($file);
$flag = false;
for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($signature); $i++){
if(stristr($file_cont, $signature[$i]) != false){
$flag = true; //Trips the AV flag
if($flag == true){
fopen($file, 'w');
ftruncate($file, 0);
$time = (time()-$bgtime);