CryptoCrunch: Multiple Site Auto Trading Bot


DATE: July 22, 2014, 12:16 a.m.

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  1. CryptoCrunch
  2. Download:
  3. F.A.Q.
  4. What is Cryptocrunch?
  5. Cryptocrunch is an "automatic-trader" written using Exchanger API + Java Code (Desktop Application).
  6. The Cryptocrunch program consists of a core set of utilities, and a set of API interfaces for specific trading sites.
  7. Currently Site that have been built into the design are: Cryptsy, BTC-e, Poloniex, BTER, and Bittrex
  8. You only need to choose markets, set the first orders and parameters (not mandatory) and then let Cryptocrunch algorithm trade for you.
  9. Cryptocrunch works on Linux/Windows/Mac with Java 8
  10. Are Gains Guaranteed?
  11. When a Bouncing Order is Completed, there's a Mathematical Gain. With the right choice, you will surely improve your overall gains.
  12. It's not easy to trade 24/H day on over 100 Markets, With Cryptocrunch, You can easily.
  13. Does Cryptocrunch communicate with third party server?
  14. No, Cryptocrunch communicates only with the site you're trading on.
  15. How Much Does It Costs and how can i buy it?
  16. The Cryptocrunch program consists of a core set of utilities, and a set of API interfaces for specific trading sites.
  17. Cryptocrunch is currently free and will stay free, if anyone is offering to sell this do not purchase it.
  18. The first time you start CryptoCrunch, you will get an empty login GUI.
  19. - Choose the site you want to log-in to.
  20. - Insert your private and public keys and press enter.
  21. - CryptoCrunch will verify your key and will try a call to the trading site you've chosen.
  22. - No Third Party Server Will be ever called by CryptoCrunch.
  23. If KeyPair is accepted you will get a Welcome Message. You can now close the login window, and the main trading GUI will appear.
  24. - CryptoCrunch will save your Public and Private Keys in a file named Key.XML. This file is located inside the CAT System Directory.
  25. - Root directory is "currentRunCryptdirectory\CryptSystem\TradingSiteName\"
  26. - Inside the TradingSiteName folder you will find :
  27. ErrorLogs Directory
  28. GainLogs Directory
  29. MarketLogs
  30. EXCHANGER.xml
  31. - If these folders don't exist, CryptoCrunch will create them.
  32. - EXCHANGER.xml could contain some data about the trading site (Fees, currency with no decimal places, Fiat currencies)
  33. Action From The Toolbar :
  34. - File -> Save/Load Markets & Exit Program : Save/Load the XML File containing the Markets List with the Ping-Pong Parameters you previously saved.
  35. - Dashboard -> Open Markets List, Your Balances, Global Gain, General Statistics, Market Analyzer, Error Console
  36. - Markets Global Action :You can cancel/remove all kind of orders/trades, stop process, stop/restart ping/pong creation. Action chosen is sent to all open markets.
  37. - Other Market Action : You can close ALL orders (CryptoCrunch Orders + "Site-Only" Orders) or Check Difference Between Best Buy/Sell Orders on Each Open Markets
  38. - Tools : Simple Program Option
  39. - Info: Some Info About CryptoCrunch
  40. - Api Connection: Every API call, you will see a "red blink". If connection drops, icon will change from green to red.
  41. CryptoCrunch will identify the Main Markets (BTC,LTC, etc...) and you'll be able to load only the sub-markets of the Main Markets..
  42. With the "Statistic Calculation" box activated, CryptoCrunch will calculate some additional statistics over the orders/trades (this operation is longer than the normal market load process)
  43. These are the statistics calculated :
  44. - % Difference is the price difference between the Highest and Lowest trades over the last 24 hours.
  45. - Sell Order/Buy Order is the numbers of orders currently open.
  46. - Sell Trade/Buy Trade 24H is the number of trades completed in the last 24 hours.
  47. You can sort this table in Ascending/Descending Order by clicking on the Column Header
  48. Double Click On a Row will Open a new Tab for the selected Market.
  49. If you want to check your balances press the button "Load Balances"
  50. Positive Balances are highlighted in green.
  51. You can sort the table by Column.
  52. You can Export Your Portfolio to XLS Format.
  53. Estimated Portfolio Values are calculated this way : BTC Amount + Sum of All AltCurrency * LastMarketPrice
  54. If you Double Click on a Market, you can open it.
  55. There's a dedicated tab for each open market. Clicking on a market's tab will show the market's Main Panel, which has a drop-down menu containing a number of orders which can be sent to the market. Underneath the market's Main Panel is another set of tabs which can be used to set-up/control your Ping-Pong algo, view your algo's status and history, and view market information as well.
  56. From The Main Panel :
  57. Action you can perform from the dropdown list (You Must press the EXECUTE button) :
  58. - Stop The Ping Pong Process
  59. - Stop/Restart The Creation of new Ping Orders (current orders over the market will remain active)
  60. - Close All Orders for the current market
  61. - Close All Ping Orders for the current market
  62. Status Label Meanings :
  63. - Wait (Green) : Algo Is Sleeping
  64. - Lookup (Yellow) : Algo is checking for trades/order creation/order recreation, etc...
  65. - Red (Zombie) : Market is inactive, no Buy/Sell Pool values, No Ping, No Pong, No Trades
  66. - Stop (Black) : Algo is not running
  67. - Run Algorithm For XX Minutes and then return all to primary/secondary currency : With this option checked, CryptoCrunch will run normally for the numbers of minutes set by user. After that amount of minutes, CryptoCrunch will stop creating Buy/Sell Ping Orders and will stop creating PONG Orders of Buy/Sell Type (depending on your return currency chosen)
  68. All pending trades, buy pool and other data will remain frozen until user de-checks this option.
  69. Static Mode
  70. Choose a fixed price for Buy/Sell and CryptoCrunch will always Buy/Sell at these prices, without any adjustment.
  71. Normal Mode
  72. - Min % Guaranteed Gain. Is the minimal % of GAIN you want guaranteed from CryptoCrunch after a Buy-Sell/Sell-Buy operation. If this percentage is not guaranteed, CryptoCrunch will wait.
  73. This Is The Only Mandatory Parameter
  74. - Never Recalculate User Ping Orders : With this option Checked, CryptoCrunch will not try to recalculate orders inserted from the GUI by the user. Price of these orders will remain static.
  75. - Always Try to Create Ping Orders From Buy/Sell Pool : CryptoCrunch, by default, tries to create your Ping Orders, if the current % difference between Best Buy/Sell Price is > the % Gain you have set. With this option activated, CryptoCrunch will skip this check. All other checks will be performed.
  76. - Always Create Pong Orders From Trade : CryptoCrunch, by default, tries to create your Pong Order on top of the sell/buy book order. If this is not possible (there's no % Gain Guaranteed) CryptoCrunch will retry later. With this option activated, (if order creation is not possible on top book, CryptoCrunch will calculate the minimum price (TradePrice +/- %GAIN) and will create the order INSIDE the Order Book)[I don't understand this well enough to make changes]
  77. - Check To Not Buy/Sell To Yourself : When you have Buy and Sell orders at the same time, after the price calculation, CryptoCrunch will check to not buy or sell to yourself. BUT in markets with 1 Satoshi difference between best buy/sell price, you must remove this option.
  78. - Never Buy/Sell Directly : with this option you will never buy/sell directly and your orders will have 0.00000001 difference from the best Buy/Sell orders.
  79. - Skip Orders With Total < Than : With this option active, CryptoCrunch will not consider orders with a total amount lower than the parameter value.
  80. - Don't create ping with total < Than : After a successful Ping-Pong the total amount of this order will be put in the "Buy/Sell Pool" and from the "Buy/Sell Pool" new sell/buy orders will be created. With this option activated you will limit the creation of "little orders". If the total in the "Buy/Sell Pool" is < than this parameter, then CryptoCrunch will wait.
  81. - Never Sell/Buy Under/Never Sell/Buy Over : With this option activated you will limit the creaton of Buy/Sell orders with the price too low or too high.
  82. - Sell All If Price Goes Under (Works only for Sell Orders) : With this option activated CryptoCrunch will sell your order if the market price is too low. The sell price will be the best buy price currently available.
  83. - Sell All If % With Ref Price Is : (Works only for Sell+Pong Orders) : Each PONG order has a Reference Price - the Sell/Buy price of the Original Pong Order. CryptoCrunch, during the algo process, calculates the % difference between the reference price and the current best Buy/Sell Orders. With this option activated you CryptoCrunch will decide to sell a Pong Order if the % calculated is too negative. A suggestion is to use value lower than -10% [This is a little bit too “wordy”, could be explained with fewer words maybe]
  84. - Stop Ping Creation If Sell Value Is > : You can decide to Stop the Ping Order Creation if the Current Best Sell Value is too high. CryptoCrunch will restart Ping Order Creation if the Best Sell value returns to lower than your specified parameter.
  85. - Stop Ping Creation If Buy Value Is < : You can decide to Stop the Ping Order Creation if the Current Best Buy Value if too low. CryptoCrunch will restart Ping Order Creation when the Best Buy value returns to higher than your specified parameter.
  86. The Market Analyzer is a tool created to compare the values of market currencies recorded at different times.
  87. It was also created to give you an hand in choosing "massive" Buy/Sell and Sell/Buy orders when currency values are at your advantage.
  88. - First thing to do is to Load Current Market Values (you can choose all values, or only BTC,LTC,XPM)
  89. - If you are going to Sell/Buy, set in the table : Action + Price + Quantity
  90. - Save the Snapshot (xml format)
  91. When you want to make a comparison you must load 2 Market Snapshots. Then, selecting the snapshots from the bottom of Analyzer Panel, decide which market is the market FROM and which is the market TO. Then press COMPARE button.
  92. Each value from the Snapshot FROM will be compared against the same value in Snapshot TO.
  93. If Value is higher it will be GREEN in color.
  94. If Value is lower it will be RED in color.
  95. If you have set a BUY/SELL operation in the Snapshot FROM, you will also see a estimated value of how much can you gain/lose if you sell/buy now your previous buy/sell orders.
  96. Download:

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