Introduction Message for Grade 10 Completion Report (Sample)

SUBMITTED BY: jonhreybitbin

DATE: May 6, 2016, 12:43 p.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 893 Bytes

HITS: 710

  1. Introduction Message for Grade 10 Completion Report (Sample)
  2. Science is the study of the physical and natural world and phenomena, especially by using systematic observation and experiment.
  3. This compilation is all about the lessons I had learned through out the whole grading period. From the study of chemistry, physics and even biology.
  4. It’s main subject is to show how far I understand the lessons and what do I have to improve in the next school year.
  5. This will remind me of the fun and learning's I had in my grade 10 science. The scores I got from the quizzes will reflect my attitudes towards my studies.
  6. I believe that when time comes and I will see this again, I would just smile. Smile because I will be reminded that science isn’t a difficult subject at all. It’s myself making it difficult.
  7. But with the help of my teacher, and the Lord, nothing is impossible.!

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